Page 19 - July August 2014
P. 19

Telecom Reseller 23 March/April 2014 
Telecom Reseller 23
March/April 2014
July/August 2014
Telecom Reseller 19 

continued from page 17
Continued from page 10
have to ramp up. High-bandwidth applications,
he actionable insights needed to improve
scuocnhsausmviedreoconvdemrsantido,nwsi,ll tchoenytinaureetoidnridvieng
Continued from page 10
cbuerlrieenvteprtohdautctcsuarnrdensetrvsiocleustainodnscredaotenoewt sup- 
obneeliseavre ptohsastiblceuwrrhentdsaotaluistidoenlisverdeod annodt sup-
acdoonpstuiomneorf4c0oGnbvpesrsaantdio1n0s0,Gtbhpesycoanrneecitinodnsin.g their place in the enterprise. Nearly half of
port the full portfolio of mobile devices,
apnoarltyztehdeprfouplel rlpy.oDrtaftoalliowosfqumicokblyi,lsemdoeovthilcyes, and cost is the biggest challenge for SMBs.
their place in the enterprise. Nearly half of enterprises (46%) are actively exploring
andsceocusrteilsy itfhtehebriegigseasgtocohdaullnednegrsetafnodrinSgMoBf s. Both enterprises and SMBs believe that
Nenatveripgraitsiensg(t4h6e%1)00aGreEarcatively exploring ways to use IoT to make business decisions
aBllotthe deantatetrhpartilsieswaitnhdin nSeMtwBorsksb. Heloiweveevert,hat MDM solutions can be too complex for
Awawyasy tmouustsebeIofoTuntod tmo areklieabluysininceresassedecisions and are looking at ways sensors can pro-
iMntDhMis10s0oGlubtpiosnersa,cthaantibsenotsoimopcleotmaspkl.ehxefor implementation.
paenrdforamreanlcoeoakticnognnaetctwioanyssupsteon1s0o0rsGbcpasnwphriole- vide increased analytics and investigating
vimolupmleem, veenlotactitiyonan. d variety of structured and Enterprises are investing in app devel-
rveidueciinngcrieskasaend taimnael-ytot-icmsaraknedt. hinevyemstuigstaatilnsog vendors to help with analysis. Wearable
unsEtrnucteturprerdisdeastaamreakiensvmesatnianginignitapllpmodrevel- opment, for both employees and custom-
evfeencdtiovreslymtoanhaeglepanwdistehcuraennaelytwsiosr.ksWwheialerable devices from smart watches, Google glass
aonpdmmeonrte, cfomr pbleoxt.h employees and custom- ers, more than SMB. Enterprises are see-
sdteilvl hicaensdlfinrogma vasrmieadrtpowrtafotclihoeosf,1G, 1o0o, 4g0leorglass and Fitbits are becoming mainstream. Forty
ers, more than SMB. Enterprises are see- andFitbitsarebecomingmainstream.Forty 
ing beneits of this investment, including
even100Gbpsproducts.Analysiswillhavetobepercent of enterprises are preparing to sup- perfcoermntedofatetnhtesrapmrieselesvealraecrporsespsapreiendgs rtaonsguinpg- hingebDenateaitEsxopflotshiosninvestment, including 
port at least some employee use of wear- fpromrt 1atMlbepastos1o0m0 Ge bepms.pBleoloyweeisuasleistof bwesetar- increased employee productivity (56%) and Wincitrhemasoerdetehmanpl2o.4ybeiellipornoIdnutecrtnivetituyse(r5s6a%ro)unandd
able deceives, compared to 25% of SMBs. parbalcetidcescteoivenesu, rceotmhepnaertewdortko o2f5to%daoyfcaSnMmBosv.e
increased customer satisfaction (46%). tihnecrweoarslded, KcleuisnteormPerksinastiCsfaauciteilodn&(4B6ye%rs).
CITE and the Future of New
Vendor Requirements ( reports the current
successfully into the 100G era.
Vendor Requirements
CITE and the Future of New
amount of data created and shared to be over
Organizations are integrating CITE into 
Organizations are integrating CITE into
Packet Capture
5.5 zettabytes and project that number to reach
their culture for multiple reasons. Over the The Internet of Things (IoT) and wear- 
their culture for multiple reasons. Over the Any viable solution must have the capacity to next 12-18 months, organizations expect The Internet of Things (IoT) and wear-
almost 8 zettabytes next year.
able technology trends are no longer just 
next 12-18 months, organizations expect capture network traic at full line rate, with
able technology trends are no longer just
hat is a huge increase in data traic year over to see CITE creating a positive impact in 
year, and it means that connectivity speeds will
to see CITE creating a positive impact in almost no CPU load on the host server, for all user satisfaction, user productivity, process 
user satisfaction, user productivity, process frame sizes. Full line-rate packet capture with eficiency and collaboration, and business 
eficiency and collaboration, and business zero packet loss, frame bufering and optimal agility. Organizations have a long priority 
agility. Organizations have a long priority coniguration of host bufer sizes removes the
list for selecting mobile technology solu- 
list for selecting mobile technology solu- bottlenecks that can cause packet loss. It also
tions. Security and reliability of the soft- tions. Security and reliability of the soft- 
reliably delivers the analysis data that network
ware or network are the top requirements ware or network are the top requirements 
management and security solutions demand.
(each 90%) closely followed by ease of use (each 90%) closely followed by ease of use
(88%) and integration into existing infra- (88%) and integration into existing infra- Frame Classiication
structure (87%).
Frame classiication can provide details on the
“CITE gives employees more access and
type of network protocols being used. For eicient
opportunity to use rogue technologies iin
network traic monitoring, it is important to be
their day-to-day work. IT executives mustt
able to recognize as many protocols as possible,
stay on the cutting edge of both enterpriise
as well as extract information from layer 2-4
and consumer technologies in order tto
network traic. Header information for the
provide solutions to their organization thatt
various protocols transported over Ethernet must
embraces and encourages innovation. With beemmbaradceeasvailnadblenfocroaunralgyseis. ihnnisoivnactliuodne.s With
so many tools and solutions this is not an esnocampsaunlyatitoonoalnsdatnudnnseolilnugtipornostotchoils. is not an
easy task,” continued Yorke. easy task,” continued Yorke.
Join the CITE Conversation
Join the CITE Conversation
It requires precision to guarantee the quality of
Join more than 1,000 technology and
Join more than 1,000 technology and
time-sensitive services and transactions. In 100
business executives, IT managers, mar- 
business executives, IT managers, mar- Gbps networks, nanosecond precision is essential
keters, venture capitalists and sponsors 
keters, venture capitalists and sponsors to assure reliable analysis. At 10 Gbps, an Ethernet
at the CITE (Consumerization of IT in 
at the CITE (Consumerization of IT in
frame can be received and transmitted every 67
the Enterprise) Conference + Expo as we 
the Enterprise) Conference + Expo as we
nanoseconds. At 100 Gbps, this time is reduced to
explore the continuing innovation and chal-
6e.x7pnlaonroestehceoncdosn. tinuing innovation and chal-
lenges around the use of next-generation
lenges around the use of next-generation
technologies in business today. From inno-
technologiesinbuiness today. From inno-
vation with mobile, social, cloud and big
vationwithmobile, socia,cludandig
Itisnecessary fornetworkapplicationstobeabledata -- what IDC calls the Third Platform—
data-- whatIDCcallstheThirdPlatform—
toexaminelows of frmesthat aretransmittedto wearable computing, 3-D printing,
btoetwweeenasrpaebcliiec dceovmicepsuotrinevge,n b3e-tDweenprinting,
sensors and more, CITE will show you
applications on speciic devices. In high-speed
sensors and more, CITE will show you
how to employ new technologies to drive
networks up to 100 Gbps, it is important to
how to employ new technologies to drive
your business. The CITE Conference +
identify and analyze lows of data to gain an
your business. The CITE Conference +
Expo will take place April 27-29, 2014
overview of what is happening across the network
Expo will take place April 27-29, 2014
in San Francisco. Stay informed; follow
and then control the amount of bandwidth that
in San Francisco. Stay informed; follow 
CITE Conference + Expo on Twitter: @
services are using.
CITE Conference + Expo on Twitter: @ 
CITEConference #citeconf. Also join our
CITEConference #citeconf. Also join our 
Twitter chats using the hashtag #CITEchat,
■ In Part 2, we will look at three additional Twitter chats using the hashtag #CITEchat,
Fridays at 10 am PT beginning March 28.
best practices for the 100 Gbps era, as well as
Fridays at 10 am PT beginning March 28. To learn more about sponsorship oppor-
key considerations for accelerating the network
to 100G.
+tunEixtipeos,aptleCaIsTeEcwoonrtaldc’tsACdIaTmE DCeonnfiesroencaet
Run Distribution to
adeAnnbiosount@idgtheneterpriIsDe.Gcom. Enterprise
ConAsbuomuetrizatitohne of IITDGin theEEnnteterrpprriise 
RCeosnesaurmcherization of IT in the Enterprise
embark on Cross-
ResIeDaGrchEnterprise’s 2014 Consumerization
Canada IP telephony
of IT in the Enterprise research was con- IDG Enterprise’s 2014 Consumerization
ducted across more than 1,150 IT and of IT in the Enterprise research was con-
technology road show security decision-makers from a range ducted across more than 1,150 IT and
Mof industries. The research goal was to security decision-makers from a range
gain a better understanding of how con- of industries. The research goal was to
ontreal-based distributor to bring the
sumer technologies are being used in the gain a beLttaeterstuindIPerTsetalenpdhionngy tofRhesoewllercson-
enterprise, and how those technologies are sumer tecahnndoilnotgegierastoarrseacbroesins gCaunsaedda. in the
enabling innovation. All respondents are enRteurnpDrisiset,riabnutdiohno, awletahdoinseg Cteacnhandoialnogies are
involved in at least one of the follow- deinsatrbibliuntgor oinfnqouvalaityioVno.IPAalnldrSeescpuorintydepnrotsduacrtse
ing steps in the purchase process of IT or ainvdoplrvoevdideirnofartelalteadsstupopnlyechoafintmheanfaogellmowen-t
security products and services: evaluation, aingd lsotgeipstsicsinsetrhveicepsu, irscnhoawseLpauroncheisnsgoitfs IT or
recommending/ selecting vendors, deter-
second annual IP Telephony and Uniied
security products and services: evaluation,
mining requirements, determining the busi-
Communications technology road show. Run
recommending/ selecting vendors, deter-
ness need, approval/authorization or selling
Distribution will be holding Half day events in
mining requirements, determining the busi- internally.
5 cities, in September of 2014. Run Distribution ness need, approval/authorization or selling
To receive the complete study results
has put together a strong line of manufacturers
contact Sue Yanovitch at syanovitch@
To receive the complete study results %
continues on page 26 ›› ontact Sue Yanovitch at syanovitch@
c %

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