Page 17 - Telecom Reseller AugSep 2014
P. 17

teraction 20

By Daryl Reva, Senior Director of 
Channel Marketing, Fonality / Twitter: @fonality
Ruffin 27 

The Cloud is here

to Stay: It’s Time
The Voice of Unified Communications and Collaboration
for Resellers 
The Voice of Unified Communications and Collaborations
to Get Their

Business Model

on Board
Off-site, out of

Imind? Not so
t’snosecret that SMBadoption of cloud
cloud services
communication is through the roof. As
By Duston Nixon, Marketing Communications Specialist,
customer demand shifts, resellers of business
phone systems now face a new challenge:
MMinuteman UPS
adapting their business to a model based less 
oving telephone systems, serv- on upfront payments and more on recurring
revenues ferorsm, calonudd’sdsautabscsrtioprtaiogneproifcfinsigt.e has 
The resebllecrobmeneefiats atroephaprdriotoritgynofroe.r busi- 
nMesosnethslyofsuablslcsripzteiso,nufeseusaalrlye swtaibtlhe anhdefty list
opfrerdeiqcutaibrelem, eelinmtsintaotineng sthuerepreslsiuarbeiltiotysc. ramble 
for one more job at the end of the month. Less
The feeling is often out of sight, out of
time and money are spent on truck rolls, and
mind once these services have been acti-
there are more opportunities to upsell clients. The
SSeeeEEnnggaaggeeClolouuddaatt: : vated. The reality, however, is that they are
potential is exciting, but as with anything, change
BEronatedrSporfitseCCononencetciot n2s0214014 only as reliable as your own infrastructure.
can be hard.
OctoBboeorth124-1051, 2014
How can you ensure a steady link to your
cloud? It starts with reliable power.
MaSrcoht1t7s-d2a0le, ,2A0Z14 
REVA continues on page 18 ›› Strong Connection Begins with
Orlando, FL
Strong Power
All cloud services, no matter how reli- Clloud-Based Calll Recordiing & WFO Ideal for 
able, de
pend on a simple internet connection
SaaS and Other Hosted Service Providers
page 26
By Dan Joe Barry, vice president
Lof marketing, Napatech
O On nee ooff ttood daayy’s’s h hoott tteesstt ttrreen nd dss iin n S Saa aaS S iiss tth hee g grro ow wiin ng g rra an nk kss o off Matching
ccoonttaacctt cceentteerrss aand bussiineessseess sseeekiing cclloud--baasseed ssolluttiionss Encrypting the
f foorr ccaal l l l rreeccoorrd di in ngg, , q qu uaal li ittyy m maan naag geem meen ntt, , aan nd d o otth heerr w wo orrk kffo orrc ce e wave of big data
Pace with the
Part 1
TeelSlSttrraatt’s’s Enggaaggee Clloud lleettss yyou ttaap tthiiss hiighlly prrofifittablle Machine-Driven
market to upsell your existing VoIP subscribers and reach
market to upsell your existing VoIP subscribers and reach
By Jonathan Lewis, director of product marketing, SSH
entirely new customers. Best of all, you can do this with:
entirely new customers. Best of all, you can do this with:
Communications Security
World - Part 2
What inventory should be transferred
• No capital or other up-front investment • No capital or other up-front investment
to which warehouse? How are customers
• Your existing infrastructure • Your existing infrastructure
Iusing our website? How are the markets 
• TelStrat handling all implementation & system management • TelStrat handling all implementation & system management
trending? Today, you can use Big Data
n Part 1, we looked at today’s data explosion
to help inform business decisions across
and best practices for managing it. We
industries. The prevalence of Big Data –
Engage Cloud is highly affordable and flexibly priced, with
Engage Cloud is highly affordable and flexibly priced, with
continue now with three additional best
and its ecosystem of applications and uses
both subscription and perpetual license plans available.
both subscription and perpetual license plans available.
practices and key considerations for accelerating
– has ballooned over the past decade. With
Your contact center and business customers are demanding
the network to 100G.
increasingly easy and cost-effective tools
Your contact center and business customers are demanding
available to analyze – and monetize – mas-
Accelerating Performance
these recording & WFO services in ever increasing numbers.
these recording & WFO services in ever increasing numbers.
sive amounts of data, organizations are
In order for high-speed solutions to be effective,
Don’t miss your chance to generate significant additional rev-
Don’t miss your chance to generate significant additional rev-
discovering new ways to solve problems
they must provide guaranteed delivery of real-
enue with these business-critical services for no up-front cost!
enue with these business-critical services for no up-front cost!
and extract value.
time data with information that allows quick
Traditionally, corporate staff controlled
and easy analysis. What will distinguish these
Big Data applications, but as the uses of
Contact your authorized telecom equipment reseller or
Contact your authorized telecom equipment reseller or
is the ability to accelerate the performance of
Big Data have proliferated the apps have
TelStrat for more information and a live demo!
TelStrat for more information and a live demo!
analysis applications. This can be achieved by
filtered down to the departmental level as
reducing the amount of data to analyze, ensuring
well. The pioneers of Big Data weren’t
that applications are not overwhelmed and only
especially concerned about security at the
processing the frames that need to be analyzed.
onset, yet as its use becomes more wide- 
spread organizations must take significant 
sAtecpcselteoraetninsugrePrtohcaet ssBinigg Data analytics’ 
aAcpcpelsiasntcoe vdeantdaoirs npereodtetoctmeda.xiAmnizde they need 
Call Recording I Quality Management I Coaching & E-Learning I Screen Capture I Speech & Desktop Analytics I Workforce Management
Call Recording I Quality Management I Coaching & E-Learning I Screen Capture I Speech & Desktop Analytics I Workforce Management
tpoerafocrtmqaunicekolyf t;htehirearne’aslysais laoptploicfatgiornosu, nanddto | 972-543-3500 | | 972-543-3500 |
BARRY continues on page 19 ›› See LEWIS, page 25
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