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                       2150 N. DEMETROPOLIS RD. (OFF COTTAGE HILL), MOBILE AL    |   (251) 666-4955
                 HOURS: MON.-FRI.: 11AM-8PM   |   PATRICIA FERGUSON   |

            Sponsored by Feeding the Gulf Coast                  The Advanced Belly Dance classes are fast paced with an
            9/8-12/18   Mon.-Fri.: 3-4pm                         emphasis on musical interpretation and choreography. This class
                                                                 offers lots of changes and movements while helping to build
            MATH & READING TUTORING (K-8th Grade)                stamina and improve skill. Students will learn performance sets
            Math & Reading for K thru 6th grade with a certified teacher.  including folkloric dance, veil work, and drum solos. For more info
            Instructor: Mrs. B. Bennett                          or to register, contact instructor at
            9/10-11/16  Mon., Wed, Fri.: 3:30-5pm                Instructor: Valerie Morrison
                                                                 ADVANCED LEVEL 1
            ARTS AND CRAFTS                                      Prerequisite for Level 1: Completion of Beginning and
            Arts and crafts activities for children who wants to have fun   Intermediate Belly Dance Classes.
            while creating something unique.                     9/9-10/21    Wed.: 5:45-6:45pm   $35/$30
            Instructor: Patricia Ferguson                        No class 9/30
            9/8-12/17   Tues. & Thurs.: 3:30-5pm                  10/28-12/9   Wed.: 5:45-6:45pm    $35/$30
                                                                 No class 11/25
            BALLET & JAZZ (Ages 3 - 7)                           ADVANCED LEVEL 2
            A beginner dance class that combines ballet and jazz. Students   Prerequisite for Level 2: Completion of Beginning,
            learn basic ballet positions and techniques along with jazz walks,   Intermediate and Advanced Level 1 Belly Dance Classes.
            chasse’ and battements. A short center floor combination using   9/9-10/21    Wed.: 6:45-7:45pm    $35/$30
            these skills. Contact the instructor at 251-348-2654.  No class 9/30
            Instructor: Shalinda Henry                           10/28-12/9   Wed.: 6:45-7:45pm    $35/$30
            9/11-10/2   Fri.: 5-5:45pm    $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.  No class 11/25
            10/9-10/30  Fri.: 5-5:45pm    $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.
            11/6-12/4    Fri.: 5-5:45pm    $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.  BELLY DANCING-BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE
            No class 11/27                                       Whether you aspire to be a performer or you just want to get
                                                                 into shape, you can enjoy the benefits of this dance class,
            BASIC DRAWING FOR KIDS (Ages 8 & Up)                 while you develop stamina and overall flexibility-whatever
            Kids will learn the basics of drawing from beginning shapes,   your age, size, or shape! Costumes not required, however a hip
            shadowing, and texture to creating animals and people. We will   scarf with coins is encouraged. Suggested class attire-yoga/
            spend the first part of the class relaxing and begin with some   exercise clothing & dance shoes or socks. For more info or to
            doodle or free drawing exercises. These activities will help   register, contact instructor at
            develop good skills for moving forward. The second part of the   Instructor: Valerie Morrison
            class focuses on learning and practicing techniques, .i.e.…   9/19-11/14   Sat.: 9-10am    Beginners   $35
            as shadows, textures, shapes, and perspective. Contact the   9/19-11/14   Sat.: 10-11am   Intermediate   $35
            instructor at to register and    No class 10/24
            get a supply list                                    9/10-10/22   Thurs.: 5:45-6:45pm  Beginners   $35
            Instructor: A. Kuppersmith                           9/10-10/22  Thurs.: 6:45-7:45pm   Intermediate    $35
            9/14-10/12  Mon.: 5-6pm  $35                         10/29-12/17 Thurs.: 5:45-6:45pm  Beginners   $35
                                                                 10/29-12/17 Thurs.: 6:45-7:45pm  Intermediate           $35

                                                                 DANCE AEROBICS (Adults)
                                                                 Will include the dance styles of jazz, hip hop, majorette, and
                                                                 more to get your heart pumping and achieve a cardio workout.
                                                                 Contact the instructor at 348-2654.
                                                                 Instructor: Shalinda Henry
                                                                 9/11-10/2    Fri.: 6-7pm   $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.
                                                                 10/9-10/30   Fri.: 6-7pm   $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.
                                                                 11/6-12/4    Fri.: 6-7pm   $5 drop-in or $15/4 wks.

                                                REGISTER AT MPRD.RECDESK.COM                                          27
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