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             SUPERVISOR: ASHLEY-NICOLE FLOWERS MS, CTRS    |   |   (251) 208-6169

            •  Senior and Therapeutic Programing  provides recreation,   WORKOUTS FROM HOME
              leisure and outreach services to City of Mobile Residents   Mon. & Weds. 9am
              who are 55+ and to residents with mild to moderate physical,
              mental and emotional disabilities.  Special Recreation   WHAT IS THERAPEUTIC & INCLUSIVE
              Programs staff are still working during the coronavirus   PROGRAMMING?
              outbreak, but some of our programs and centers are   Join us on an adventure to explore new recreational
              operating with new procedures to protect public health.    opportunities through Therapeutic & Inclusive Programming.
                                                                 In this month take virtual field trips that includes inclusion
            •  INCLUSION is available to ALL INDIVIDUALS in accessing   spaces, equipment, and activities throughout the City of
              and enjoying the fun opportunities the City of Mobile Parks   Mobile. Join in on the conversation to show what services
              and Recreation Department offers. Call your local recreation   are important to YOU of which services that therapeutic
              center to find what activities interest the member.  If   and inclusive programs mean to YOU.  Programs can include
              the member has special needs and would like to request   adaptive sports opportunities which address the special
              assistance, call the Program Supervisor at 251-208-6169.    needs of individuals with disabilities which have difficulties
              Please provide a minimum of three weeks notice to the start   adapting and participating in recreational opportunities.
              of the program. An assessment is required.         Airing in September

            •  New client intake is being conducted by the outreach team   WHAT IS THE THERAPEUTIC MARCHING BAND?
              via phone at each program.                         Tune in to learn about the therapeutic marching band program
                                                                 and all information about related to the program.
            •  Senior Centers are currently closed to the public. The staff is   Airing in October
              offering drive-thru socials, games, and packets at any of the
              Senior Center locations. Call your center to reserve a spot   WHAT IS ADAPTIVE SPORTS AND RECREATION?
              or for more information. If you are not a member, please call   Learn about the array of adaptive sports  and facilities in the City
              the outreach team at (251) 208-6701 to get set up. Frozen   of Mobile.  Watch demonstrations and take virtual fieldtrips.
              Meals are being delivered once a week.             Airing in November

            •  All classes and activities will be evaluated with the most   WHAT IS LEISURE SEEKERS?
              current conditions and orders.                     Where and How do I start the FUN? Leisure Seekers will provide
                                                                 recreational opportunities that teach leisure skills and increases
             VIRTUAL EDUCATION                                                                                              socialization and self-esteem for individuals recovering from
            Virtual Education can be accessed via Facebook, e-newsletter,   mental illness or behavioral health disorders. Learn about this new
            or youtube channel.                                  opportunity  in the City of Mobile Parks and Recreation Department.
                                                                 Airing in December
            Thursdays will be a whole lot sweeter.  Leaders in the kitchen,   CRAFTING AND ARTS
            are leaders in the community.  Learn the basic skills of cooking.    Once a month a “rectogo” packet can be reserved for pickup
            Virtual cooking classes teach hands on cooking techniques   following a virtual education demonstration.
            which help to be more productive and comfortable in the kitchen.   September   Tiny Tile Coaster(rectogo), Flag Pallets,
            Program will share a recipe weekly with a tutorial video.       Wine Bottle Vases, Tail-Gate Party Items
            September   Apples                                   October    Water Color Craft(rectogo), Pumpkin Wreath,
            October    Pumpkins                                             Pallet Pumpkin
            November   Food for Feast                            November   Magic Color Scratch Ornaments(rectogo),
            December   Traditional Desserts                                 Snow Flake Hanger, Bar Pallet, Thankful Pillow,
                                                                            Thanksgiving Wreath
            FIELD TRIPS WITHIN PARKS AND RECREATION              December   Holiday Wreath, Holiday Stamp Coaster
            Learn to venture around the City of Mobile for a fun and
            interactive tour.

            30                                  REGISTER AT MPRD.RECDESK.COM
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