Page 4 - AdminUniverse Goal Setting Guide and Template-03-11-2020.eps
P. 4

“All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which
                          was high, one which someƟmes seemed impossible.” —Orison SweƩ Marden.


             In this stage of goal se ng, review your goals       [Exampl]
             and break them into two buckets – short or
             long term. For our long term example, the
             goal can be accomplished in a year’s  me.             Write your goal down, then list ac on steps
             The personal goal of losing 10 pounds, would          required to be successful:
             be considered short term as it can be
             accomplished in a few months. Planning a              Personal - Short Term Goal: Lose 10 pounds
             vaca on might be considered long term, as it          by July 2020
             would include longer scheduling  mes, savings         Why: I want to lose 10 pounds by July so I look
             or longer  meline for others to be part of your
             vaca on dream. When thinking in terms of              great for our family reunion.
             business and your career, say ge ng a pay             AcƟon Item: Eat healthier (good answer but you
             raise, you will need to consider if it can be         need to be specific) i.e. eat healthier and see my
             accomplished in a few months or take longer.
                                                                   doctor or die  an for menu ideas. Set an

             Working be er with your boss or other team            appointment next week by (date/ me).
             members might be considered a short term              AcƟon Item: Join a weight loss program (again,
             goal. Be specific in your goal, give it                good answer but be more specific) i.e. join
             measurable results, make it realis c to be
             feasible, and make a list of ac on items that         Weight Watchers by next week (date) and start
             need to be accomplished in order for you to           immediately.
             meet your end goal.                                   AcƟon Item: Star ng today - stop ea ng a er 8
                                                                   pm (simple ac on item and easy to accomplish).

                        PHASE THREE: GET ORGANIZED

            Wri ng down your goals, then ge ng specific as          •  Write out long and short term goals, both
            to what it will take to accomplish those goals            personal and business
            should include details that are relevant and           • Be specific in detailing ac on items needed
            measurable. It is also important to be realis c in       to  a ain each goal
            goal se ng, making sure the goal is a ainable.         •  Make sure the ac on items are measureable,
            Ge ng a pay increase may seem easy, but if the           i.e. mee ng a  me/date; specific number
            company has a freeze on pay raises, it might not          (x pounds per week), other ac on items etc.
            be a ainable in the short term.                        •  Make your goals visible, place them on your
                                                                      calendar, on your desk, and/or post them
            In ge ng organized for success, there are four
                                                                      on your wall, or any place that will be in
            key ac on categories you need to include in y
                                                                     constant  view.
            our goal se ng workflow:

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