Page 6 - AdminUniverse Goal Setting Guide and Template-03-11-2020.eps
P. 6

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in moƟon the process of becoming the person
                     you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” —Mark Victor Hansen

          ConƟnued from Previous  Page

          Next step -- what to do with this analysis of your current situa on? Let’s focus on the “B” list, highligh ng
          some items that can be in your control. If “I’m dissa sfied with my current posi on” is the primary reason to
          look for a new job; yet your “A” list has a number of items that you like; stop and ask yourself what will make
          you happy to stay where you are?

          If your primary reason for looking for a new job is “my execu ve is terrible to work with,” and he isn’t going to
          change, yet you really like the company; set a goal to figure out how to work be er with him/her, or set a
          plan to move internally within the company. Some mes, seeking out informa on and gaining knowledge can
          help you deal with difficult people. The workshops that AdminUniverse™ hold can help in such situa ons.

                 PHASE FIVE: ALL ABOARD!
                       For many of us, we are enthusias c about se ng New Year’s resolu ons and on January 1st
                       we are chockfull of good inten ons and its full steam ahead like a steam train heading down
                       the track at 80 miles per hour. O en by January 8th, we’re losing steam and not as energe c
                       about those goals; slumping back into our usual comfort zone.

                       Being a “creature of habit” is hard to break and represents the major reason goals fail in the
                       first few months. Here are three ideas to help you be successful and push yourself out of
                       that comfort zone:

                       1.  Set goals that are a ainable, and based on measurable progress. Set your ac on
                            items for each of your goals with as much detail as necessary to guide you; how
                            much  me you have, how much energy you’ll need to put into the ac on item, and
                            set your priori es to reflect the success of your goal.

                       2.  Life is flexible, you should be too! Goals are meant to be a guidepost, a plan of ac on
                            for you to aspire to the next level. All good plans allow for change and should be
                            revisited and recalibrated to fit what is current. Be flexible by maintaining an ac on plan
                            that fits your life, and trust your intui on in moment-by-moment decision making.

                       3.  Be consistent and review your goals and ac on items daily. Make others aware of
                            your goals, and even ask one or more to help by being your coach in mee ng your
                            goals. By sharing your aspira ons with others, you subliminally are making a
                            commitment to yourself, and along the way you may find a friend who shares in your
                            goal. Being able to help someone else, at the same  me as yourself, is a great mo vator.


                                     On the following pages find examples of A/B list and Goal template.
                                     Copy and paste and customize to fit your needs. Feel free to pass
                                     along to your friends.

                ©2014- 2020 AdminUniverse™ All rights reserved. For more informa on on ACE Peer Learning Membership;
                  Execu ve Assistants/Chief of Staff Recruitment, Elite Educa on for Administra ve Professionals, Execu ve
                                           Assistants and Office Professionals, visit us at
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