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                                        CAR SEAT SYSTEM                                                 New Zealand

                                                  Product Code 4020

           Swivel Safety for Both Infants & their Carers…


                                                                           Tilt adjustment.

                                                                           Customised body supports can
                                                                           be installed if necessary for
                                                                           added safety.

                                                                           The swivel base reduces the
                                                                           physical demands on the
                                                                           caregiver during transfers in
                                                                           and out of the vehicle.

                                                                           5-Point harness with easy
                                                                           tension adjustment.

                        Forward facing for 9 – 18kg

           Advantages:                                Support Upgrades:                                               Turn-A Tot

              Saves the carer's back from the            Pre-ischial thigh support installed under existing
              dreadful 'lift & twist' when placing       upholstery. #4100 0501 073
              baby in carseat.                           Sacral support installed under existing upholstery.
              Easier to buckle up the harness            #4100 2500 045
              with the seat facing you.                  Combined thoracic, hip and thigh guides
              Safer for the baby. As the harness         pair off installed under existing upholstery.                ehicle Seating
              is in full view, you can ensure it is      #4100 3700 045
              properly tensioned.                        Headrest - occipital support with Velcro   ©
                                                         attachment. #4100 4103 250

          SW IVELS                                                                                                    V

              TO EASE

                                                                        Rearward facing for birth – 10kg
                                 AGE/WEIGHT       MAXIMUM          MAXIMUM           SEAT TO       APPROX WEIGHT
                                 OF CHILD         SEAT DEPTH       SEAT WIDTH     SHOULDER HEIGHT    OF CARSEAT
                              Birth to 4 years
             RANGE (#4020)                         25cm             27cm           23-38cm            9.5kg
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90