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                                   CAR SEAT SERIES 2000

                                                  Product Code 4115

                                   The Complete Vehicle Safety

                                   & Seating Solution                                            Suitable for
                                                                                                  air travel

                                                 A safe and supportive seat that accommodates children from
                                                 3-15 years or 15 to 36kg.
                                                 Independent locking buckles
                                                 Huge growth range
                                                 Suitable for use on most airlines (Check with your airline
                                                 policies before travel and get written approval)
                                                 The ‘waterfall’ seat front can be replaced with a 90° seat front

                Huge Growth Range               Height Adjustable Headrest            Shoulder Support

           The seat front slides out and the backrest  The separate height adjustable headrest offers  The Carrot series 2000 offers increased
           slides up to provide lasting growth adjustment.  increased lateral control as well as added side-  shoulder width for larger children.
           The Carrot series 2000 has an extra 50mm of  impact safety.
           backrest growth compared to the old model!  Infill pads are
                                               available to fill in
                                               the gap.

                     Lightweight                     Anterior Chest Pad                    Belt Guide
           Since the Carrot series 2000        The padded anterior                 For smaller children,
           is so light and easy to install in  chest pad offers                    an additional safety
           the vehicle, parents and carers     additional security and             belt guide can be
           can easily transition it between    postural support. This              installed lower to
           different vehicles.                 can be adjusted in height           prevent the safety
                                               or removed completely.              belt from touching
                                               The cover removes easily            the child’s neck.
                                               for washing.                        (comes standard)
                                          Custom Upgrades & Accessories
   ehicle Seating
            Anti-Escape Buckle Upgrade              Carrot Swivel Base Option          Adjustable Hip Angle Straps

           Steel anti-escape buckles can be installed to  The Carrot can be  •  Saves the carers back  Straps are attached to the sides of
           prevent children with challenging behaviour  attached to the Swivel  from the dreadful ‘Lift  the carseat to lock the hip angle.
           escaping from the carseat during travel. These  Base System to reduce  & Twist’ when placing
           unique buckles have proven very successful as  the physical demands  baby in the car.
           they operate in reverse to a normal buckle.  on the caregiver during •  Easier to buckle up the
           To disengage, you raise the spring-loaded  transfers in and out of  harness with the seat
           catch, and then tension the belt before it will  the vehicle.  facing you.
           release. (It will not press release) #4115 6026       •  Safer for the child as the             Released
                                                                  harness is in full view,
                                                                  you can ensure it is   25mm
                                                                  properly tensioned.    Straps              Locked
                                                                 •  For use only in vehicle
                                                                  seats fitted with Isofix
                                                                  attachment points.
                (Ask about the magnetic release            SWIVELS TO EASE TRANSFERS!  These straps also prevent the backrest
                 buckle  upgrade! # 4114 6029)                                        ‘opening’ during seat transition.
                OF CHILD  RANGE  DEPTH            WIDTH   HEIGHT                                             SEAT
      86       3-15 Years   15-36kg   29cm   34cm   31cm   38-60cm   Small= 25-30cm • Medium= 30-40cm • Large= 40-50cm   7.8kg
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91