Page 11 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 11

HEALTH                                                                          11

               ten to fifteen capsules per day, which many    There are 3 causes of dis-ease.
               Americans would consider too many pills to
               take.  The ancient way of Herbal healing was   TRAUMA
               to place  the herbs in a soup pot that ev-     1.  Mental Emotional Stress - causing poor
               eryone in the family ate from, because if one   eating habits and poor lifestyle, TB, auto-
               person  was  sick,  eventually they  all  would   immune, Weakened immune function, colds &
               become sick.   When you read the names of      flu
               Chinese Herbal formulas you will usually see   2.  Electromagnetic radiation - weakened
               the word Tang at the end.  Tang means soup.    immune function, parasites, auto-immune,
               Herbal Medicine or Herbal Food Therapy was     3.  Structural Physical imbalance - pain,
               both prevention and treatment.  Herbs could    injuries, accidents, Circulatory disease
               also  be prepared as pills (wan), drinks (ji-
               ang), liqueurs (chieuw) or granules (kampo).   INSUFFICIENCY
                                                              4.  Nutritional insufficiency - heart disease,
                                                              diabetes, cancer, auto-immune, digestive
                                                              5.  Lack of physical rest, Lack of Mental
                                                              Relaxation & Tranquility
               Acupuncture is the  eighth  Limb of            6.  Lack of oxygen in the blood, lack of
               Modern Oriental Medicine. Jing-luo or Me-      water or exercise
               ridian Therapy is what the Chinese call their
               medicine, not Acupuncture.  Magnets, sound     TOXICITY
               waves, laser light, electrical stimulation, heat,   7.  Chemical Toxicity - Air, Water, Food
               suction and pressure are used to stimulate     8.  Microbial - parasites, Ulcers,
               the meridians.  Another ancient name trans-
               lated as Heat and Pressure, is today called,   CO-FACTORS OF DIS-EASE
               Acu-Moxa therapy.  Acupuncture or Merid-       We have identified several important
               ian therapy is the last resort in the Chinese   co-factors involved with the formation of
               Medicine Bag.  It is the inferior Physician who   disease.
               waits until  his patients become sick before                 Lack of security,
               treatment.    It  is  the Superior  Physician who           Negative Thinking
               teaches them how to prevent illness.                            Self Love
                                                                      No good humor or Laughter,
               The Superiority of Modern Chinese Medicine              Lack of Spiritual Upliftment,
               is demonstrated in the treatment of Degen-                   Low Self esteem
               erative Disease.   Heart disease, liver stress,
               kidney failure and lung diseases can be di-
               agnosed up to five years before Western di-    There are two ways of looking at the disease
               agnostic equipment.  These can be treated      process.  The eastern and the western.  The
               preventively with food, herbs and acupunc-     western we are familiar with.  You know the
               ture.    Aging is  a  natural process,  however   so called germ theory.  Accidents, Infectious
               in the West we suffer from pre-mature aging    diseases and degenerative disease, which
               and young  people  suffer  from diseases as-   are also caused by germs.  Cut it out or kill
               sociated with aging such as arthritis, heart   it.  Military mentality.
               disease, stroke and cancer.  Through proper
               lifestyle such  as breathing, meditation, Chi   The eastern viewpoint is that proper lifestyle
               Gong exercises, regular  massage therapy       and diet will create an internal environ-
               and food  therapy we can prevent Degen-        ment or biological terrain that will either
               erative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis,   support disease and infection or  not
               strokes, hypertension and cancer.  After your
               illness is revealed then Herbal Medicine and   support disease and infection. We pro-
               Acupuncture should be considered as the        pose both Nurturing and Nutrition, a holy
               first form of treatment.  When your chi is de-  whole health mentality.
               pleted  to  the  point the  point of  no return,   Author: Dr. George Love
               then and only then should drugs and surgery
               be considered.
                                                               Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed
               According to a number of sources from Chi-              Acupuncture Physician,
               ropractors to Osteopaths and Acupunctur-        Blue Dragon Immortal Qigong Master
               ists.                                                       Dr. George Love

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