Page 9 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 9
Modern oriental Medicine & Meridian therapy
by DR. GeoRGe Love
arrogance of Western Medicine
According to Health and complications can cause Gestational diabetes.
Human Services figures in 1996 the number one Why would you take a drug to control your
cause of death in all ethnic groups was heart blood sugar when you can change your diet?
disease, including myocardial infarction, hyper- Some Medical doctors will say that patients will
tension and stroke. Colo-rectal, lung, breast and not comply with dietary changes. I have asked
prostate cancers were the number two cause of many diabetics if they would change their diet
death. And the number three cause of death was to get off medications, and none have refused!
diabetes and its complications of foot amputa- Taking drugs is a choice and I am not
tions, blindness, etc. According to the American blaming medical doctors. They are only doing
Heart Association the causes of heart disease what they have been trained to do, PUSH DRUGS!
are smoking, lack of exercise and poor (high fat) When first year medical students attend class
diet. Now in all intelligence, how can taking a the first week they are given a doctors bag with
drug offset another drug like nicotine (smoking)? prescription drugs in it. The message is quite
How can taking a pharmaceutical drug balance clear, their job is to prescribe drugs.
lack of exercise? How can poisoning your body The science of logic dictates that if your
offset a high fat diet? Assuming the American premise is wrong, no matter how logical your
Heart Association is correct and I think that they argument is, the conclusion will be wrong. The
are, the profession of cardiology is not inter- premise of Western Medicine is that humans are
ested in treating the cause of heart disease, but mechanical creatures that can be repaired with
merely the symptoms. interchangeable parts. The premise of Oriental
Asking your oncologist why you have Medicine is that humans are electro-magnetic
cancer, will not produce satisfactory answers. creatures that must be self-regulated energeti-
The causes of Cancer are unknown out side of cally. The Western physician is a Mechanical
environmental poisoning and heredity accord- engineer and the Oriental Physician is an Elec-
ing to the American Cancer Society. The treat- trical engineer. They are both engineers but
ment however, is surgery and Chemo/Radiation. what are they working on, and which system will
That is like using a Bazooka gun to kill a mouse. yield the best results?
Sure, you get rid of the mouse but your house is
full of holes. Using chemo/radiation is like blow-
ing up your transportation system because of
a traffic jam. Why would you poison your blood
and potentially destroy your kidneys and liver
just to kill cells that have mutated because of
your own ignorance of diet and lifestyle? If you
knew the cause of your cancer, would you try
to reverse it naturally? Using Oriental Medicine
to reverse the process of tumor formation, Sur-
gery and Chemo/radiation becomes an option
rather than a standard treatment.
Adult onset Type II Diabetes is an au-
toimmune deficiency disease. It is caused, not
so much by sugar intake, as fried foods, heavy
starches and refined flours like bread and ba-
gels. It can also be caused by iatrogenesis - the
taking of drugs for other diseases. Pregnancy
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