Page 4 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 4
Spectrum Miami,
Red Dot Miami, and ArtSpot Miami
JOIN Together At
Spectrum Miami, Red Dot Miami, and
ArtSpot Miami form the acclaimed con- “We look forward to presenting three of
temporary and fine art experience that our most prestigious annual shows, all of
collectively presents some of today’s which will be exclusively developed and
most coveted national and internation- operated by RMG under one roof for the
al artists and galleries from the U.S and second year,” says Eric Smith, president
from around the world. Redwood Media of Redwood Media Group. “Wynwood
Group, based in California, exclusively Arts & Entertainment District has become
produces the three art fairs housed in the epicenter for the avant-garde urban
one location—considered to be the only and cultured art scene during Miami Art
multi-show production of its kind during Week, and we like to think of our cen-
Miami Art Week. tral location as an international village
of art within which the entire industry
The exhibition space and purpose-built converges to do business and enjoy five
structure on NE 2nd Avenue, which Spec- days of artistic entertainment. Acquiring
trum Miami and Red Dot Miami have oc- ownership of Red Dot Miami in 2015 and
cupied as sister art fairs for the past two moving to the Arts & Entertainment Dis-
years, has grown to become the ultimate trict during the same year positioned our
destination for the fine art industry pro- multi-show format as a major highlight of
fessional and contemporary art enthusi- the art world’s most important week of
ast who collectively seek a more acces- the year.” the world’s most progressive portfolios @spectrummiami
sible experience with exhibits showcasing
by some of today’s elite artists, galleries,
and emerging talents. The shows attract
more than 38,000 attendees each year
and represent more than 650 artists and
galleries worldwide.
Nuestro Magazine • Nov/Dec/Jan 2018