Page 3 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 3


                                  A VOICE FOR THE HISPANIC AMERICAN

                       Publisher / CEO                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                       Alida Hernández

                         Senior Editor
                        Maria Caceres
                      VP/Music Director                  Spectrum Miami, p.4
                       Jose “JC” Colon                   Scope MIAMI, p.20
                    Video/Photo Journalist               ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS
                      Alejandro Ramirez
                 Reinaldo Hernandez Pomales              Anniversary of J & N Entertainment, p.18
                        Photographer                     MUSIC
                         Maria Navia                     Dominician Jazz Fest, p6
                                                         Marlow Rosado, p13
                      Marketing Director
                       Anibeth Canelas                   Nino Segarra,p.16
                                                         Plena Mar LAtino, p.16
                       Public Relations                  David Lucca, p.17
                         Irene Lopez                     Luis “Jibarito” De Jesus, p.17
                     OLE Communications                  Lady Janny, p.25

                     Contributing Writers                Rockfest 80s, p.22
                       Alida Hernandez
                         Irene Lopez                     HEALTH
                       Dr. George Love                   Modern Orietntal Medicine, p.9
                      Sharon Schweitzer
                                                         NUESTRO “OUR” COMMUNITY
                             ****                        Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, p.14
          Nuestro Magazine is published 6 times a year
          by  Nuestro  Magazine Corp, aka Nuestro        ETIQUETTE CORNER
          Magazine accepts no  responsibility for
          the return of  unsolicited manuscripts  and/   How to Nativagate The Office Holiday Party, p.24
          or  photographs  and  assumes  no  liability
          for products or services advertised herein.    COVER PHOTO: Photo courtesy of Marlow Rosado
          Opinions expressed by the writers are their
          own  and  do  not  necessarily  reflect  the
          opinions of the Publisher.  Nuestro Magazine
          reserved the rights to edit, rewrite or refuse
          material.   Publisher is  not responsible for             MIAMI, FLORIDA
          the  typographical  or production  errors or
          accuracy  of  the  information  providers  by
          its advertisers.  Nuestro Magazine reserved
          the right to refuse any advertiser.  Copyright
          © 2017 Nuestro Magazine Corp.  All rights
          reserved.  No portion of Nuestro Magazine
          may be used or reproduced without the
          express written permission of the Publisher.
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