Page 5 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 5

ART                                                                           5


                                                                                 Robert  Peterson  is  a  con-
                                                                                 temporary artist currently
               Red Dot Miami, a curated gallery-only contemporary art            living and working in south-
               show, now in its 12th year, presents [IMPACT] as the cu-          western  Oklahoma.  Born  in
               ratorial theme for 2017. Art not only reflects society but
               also influences it. From individual creative explorations to      1981,  Peterson  picked-up
               large-scale exhibitions seen by millions, the [IMPACT] art        a  paintbrush  for  the  first
               has on all is immeasurable.                                       time in July of 2012. Emerg-
                                                                                 ing as one of this country’s
               Spectrum Miami, a curated, contemporary art show, now             most  celebrated  new  art-
               in its seventh year, presents special programs and site-          ists, Peterson has exhibited
               specific exhibitions that showcase the thriving art land-         his works in some of this na-
               scape of the city, informed by the 2017 curatorial theme          tion’s  hottest  art  markets
               [FUSION]:  the merging of artistic mediums, of  exhibitors        that include: New York City,
               and collectors, and of the countless galleries and artists        Chicago, Los Angeles and
               who come together to showcase their work                          Miami.

               ArtSpot  Miami  will  be  celebrating  its  fifth  anniversary    The  living  definition  of  tri-
               within Spectrum Miami in 2017. ArtSpot Miami is a spe-
               cially curated show by Aldo Castillo, an international art        umph over  tragedy, the
               dealer  and curator. A forward-thinking  art fair  special-       self-taught artist’s journey
               izing in modern and contemporary art with an emphasis             has  revealed him to  be
               on  international and Latin  American artists,  ArtSpot  of-      nothing short of a modern-
               fers innovative and alternative art to affluent collectors,       day phoenix. when you be-
               worldwide  art institutions, designers, architects,  and art      lieve in you

               The annual Opening Night Preview Party for Spectrum Mi-
               ami and Red Dot Miami will take place from 6 to 10 p.m.
               Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 1700 NE 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33132,
               and  will  feature  innovative  contemporary  art  from  over
               100 galleries and artists, live fashion, cocktails, and DJ
               entertainment. Tickets for the Opening Night Preview Party
               are priced at $50. General Admission tickets for Spectrum
               Miami and Red Dot Miami are $25 for one day and $75
               for the Opening Night Preview Party with a five-day pass.
               Tickets grant access to Spectrum Miami, Red Dot Miami,
               and ArtSpot Miami. For further information on the shows or
               to purchase tickets, please visit, red-
     , or For more information
               on Redwood Media Group, visit

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