Page 13 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 13
Marlow Rosado
Grammy winner, pianist, producer, songwriter; Rosado released his second album entitled
Marlow Rosado, has over two decades ex- “RETRO”. This record surprised the entire
perience in the music industry. With Eleven Latin music industry when it won the 2012
nominations and two Grammys under his belt, American Grammy for “Best Tropical Latin Al-
Marlow is a driving force in the Latin music bum” beating out Bachata sensation & Latin
industry and undoubtedly one of the lead- music’s giant Romeo Santos. In 2014 Marlow
ing components in the Salsa market. From sal- Rosado releases production number three,
sa to rock, from bachata to merengue, from this album is a true image of Rosado’s per-
Regueton to hip hop, Marlow Rosado has sonality. The aggressive producer/songwriter
had his strong creative hand in all of it pro- shows us why he is, as the title of the album
ducing and writing for artist such as Ricky describes, the “SALSANIMAL”, the heavy-met-
Martin, Celia Cruz, Gilberto Santarosa, Elvis al band of salsa as written in the LA Times. In
Crespo, ElGran Combo, and many others. 2016 Rosado joined forces with the legend-
ary Pianist and salsa legend Larry Harlow for
THE ARTIST their historic music document, producing the
After over 15 years of being the go to mu- very natural and unique record “HARLOW
sical director for artist like Tito Nieves, Tito MARLOW”. This record brings together two
Puente Jr., Larry Harlow, Jerry Rivera, Cee lo producers with very similar styles from com-
Green among so many others, Marlow Rosa- pletely different eras in a very unique col-
do “SALSANIMAL” Took center stage in 2009 laboration. Marlow Rosado is currently in the
when he successfully produced his first record studio working on his 5th production which
“SALSALSA”, which was signed to legendary promises to bring the always exiting and sur-
record company Fania Records. Marlow be- prising elements that has become very char-
came the first artist signed by Fania in over acteristic of Marlow Rosado.
18 years, making him part of a historic fam-
ily which includes Celia Cruz, Hector Lavoe,
Willie Colon, Ruben Blades, and many of the
other legendary artists under the umbrella
of this emblematic label. In 2012 Marlow 13