Page 17 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 17
David Lucca
David was born on a fall day in New Oswaldo Rivera,
York City from Puerto Rican parents. Moncho Rivera and many more.
David moved to Ponce, P.R. were he David is the co-leader and musical
started his music career at l6 years director for Bomba y Plena musical
old playing piano and percussion. group called “PLENA ES “with Pierre
A year later he started playing pro- Ramos. He also has a salsa band
fessionally with the Quito Guilbert named “SALSA DURA BAND “which
band. specialized in the old classic Salsa
In the course of his career, he with a twist of modern salsa style for
has performed and directed bands all ages. David also has a Latin jazz
for the following performers: Ray group,” SALZON JAZZ “
de laPaz, Luigui Texidor , Yolanda Currently David resides in Sunrise,
Rivera, Luis Perico, Ofü2, Rafi San- Florida with his family and continues
tana, Papo Cocote, Julio Flores, Pe- to perform his band “David Lucca y
dro Brull, Adalberto Santiago, Papo Los Classicos”.
Sanchez,Sammy Gorualez, Richie
Ray and Bobby Cruz, Flautist Nestor For bookings: contact Jose “JC”
Colon, En Control Productions LLC,
Torres, Piro Mantilla, Luisito Carrion, 561.929.5243 or jcentrolprod@
Andy Montanez, Michael Stuart,
Ommi Cardona, El Cano Estremera,
Luis “Jibarito” de Jesus
Luis “Jibarito” de Jesus was born in single “No Me Quites (Mi Forma de
Puerto Rico. As a child, his life was Vivir)” and future musical innova-
surrounded by music. tions.
Luis continued into adulthood with
his musical career and found his AVAILABLE AT:
passion which always caught his at- CD BABY:
tention as a child, percussion. He cd/luisjibaritodejesus
started with his first set of Congas
and with much practice and deter- For bookings: contact Jose “JC”
mination his Puerto Rican roots start- Colon, En Control Productions LLC,
ed to blossom. He had his first op- 561.929.5243 or jcentrolprod@
portunity to play percussion with the
Maestro (“the Teacher”)Tirso Marti,
at the Mystique Night Club. He later
had the opportunity to perform with
the Sensation Orchestra.
In the1990’s he performed with El
Grand Conde - Israel Kantor, Ara
Oko band with the musical director,
Jose Gray. Also with the Class A Or-
chestra with director Andy Alfonso,
Freddy Lugo, Sabor Tropical and
Luis is currently being mentored by
Miguel Rivera “Mike Rivera”, which is
also his musical producer of his first 17