Page 19 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 19

ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS                                                                                           19

               About Juan & Nelson Entertainment

               The label commenced  as a humble  “ma &        were the precursors in innovating Urban Mu-
               pa”  retail record  store in Corona  Queens,   sic in Puerto Rico, where they recorded Vico
               NY, where they sold LPs and cassettes.  With   C, Fransheska, Lisa M and Falo during the
               the passing of  time  the brothers  were ap-   90s.
               proached by  artists  looking  for  a  way  to
               record and release their  music.  “We made      “At one time we had offices in New York, San-
               records  and nobody  bought them  –  only      to Domingo, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Mi-
               two that we bought ourselves! But we kept      ami.  We represented Fonovisa in Latin Amer-
               on trying.  Finally we signed Ramon Orlando    ica, and this was very interesting because
               Valoy and everything went really well.  From   of the amazing splash made by their artists
               there we signed los Toros Band, La Artilleria,   at the time – Enrique Iglesias, Marco Antonio
               Proyecto Uno, Alex Bueno among other art-      Solis,  Cristian  Castro  and Noelia,  who  had
               ists.  Today, 35 years later, we are still bet-  great success  in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia
               ting on new talent,” explained Nelson.         and Venezuela.  Unlike the old days, in to-
                                                              day’s market we have access to all of those
               The company, previously known as J & N Re-     territories, and beyond, via Internet,” states
               cords, has recorded more than 25,000 songs;    Nelson.  Nelson believes the most important
               they have released dozens of platinum and      prize is to remain in business.
               golden records with many millions of copies
               sold throughout the world; there have been     After a brief period of  separation, Juan &
               innumerable international hits, as well as     Nelson never abandoned the music business
               recognition in the industry by The Grammys     – in spite of the fact that Juan relocated to
               (both American and Latin), Billboard, ASCAP,   Puerto Rico and Nelson remained in New York.
               BMI, to name a few.   Without the shadow of    Later they changed again.  Juan moved to
               a doubt, J & N has written a large chapter     Miami and Nelson to the Dominican Repub-
               in the history of Latin Music over the past 3   lic to produce and A & R music.  During the
               decades.                                       trajectory of the company, J & N has owned
                                                              and successfully run 3 RUMBA radio stations
               Within J & N’s many successes and hits are     in the DR, as well as one of the best local
               classic artists that broke all normal industry   recording studios, EMCA.  The company also
               rules with amazing success.  “We had such a    acquired historic catalogues including Mu-
               major hit with “Cachamba” by Kinito Mendez,    sical Productions and Remo Records – and
               where we sold more than a million units- for   administrates other, including Discorona.
               that particular era in the mid 90s, this was
               an unprecedented feat.  And with Proyecto      The  brothers’  relationships,  experience,  in-
               Uno we had a landmark hit with “El tiburon,”   tuition and knowledge of disparate markets
               which continues to this day as a top seller    have put them where they are today – the in-
               for  synchronization,” states Juan Hidalgo.    die label with the most grandiose trajectory
               Juan’s sense of satisfaction is connected to   in the Latin market and with more hits than
               the company’s legacy, which he will be able    any other in a spectrum of musical genres.
               to pass down to the new generation.
               Brothers Juan & Nelson have produced art-      Web:
               ists such as Frank Reyes, Monchy & Alexan-     Facebook:
               dra,  Zacarías  Ferreira,  Raulín Rodríguez,   JuanyNelsonEnt/
               Alex Bueno, Tito Rojas, Johnny Ventura, Mily   Twitter: @JuanyNelsonEnt
               Quezada,  Willie  Rosario, Kinito Méndez,
               Fernandito Villalona, Los  Hermanos Rosario,
               Rikarena, La Máquina, Puerto  Rican Power,
               among many, many others.  In addition, they
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