Page 18 - Nuestro Magazine Dec 2017
P. 18

                                          35th Anniversary

                              Juan & Nelson Entertainment

                                                               In the meantime, his brother and partner Nel-
                                                               son  Estevez states  that the most beautiful
                                                               part of this business the unknown, the mystery
                                                               of what may happen tomorrow.   “You never
               The  indie  label with  the  longest tra-       know where the hit may be.  That is why in
               jectory in Latin Music celebrates 35 years      this business, as the years pass, one is never
               of hits                                         bored, and everything  becomes an unfor-
                                                               gettable  memory.      We have been chang-
               The history of Latin music cannot be written    ing, and in business this is important.  Of all
               without mentioning Juan Hidalgo and Nelson      of the independent record labels that were
               Estevez, who, for 35 years have headed up       created years ago, we are the only ones still
               the record label J & N Records, now Juan &      in existence.  We have recorded merengue,
               Nelson Entertainment.  Innovation has been      salsa, ballads, bachata, and beyond, and as
               their key to success as they celebrate more     a company we are open to whatever comes,
               than three decades in the industry.             and we are going to continue recording ev-
               At present, Juan & Nelson embark on multiple    erything,  provided the music is  well done!”
               projects with an ambitious plan for market-     stated Estevez.
               ing and promotion, compatible with the digi-
               tal era.  The record label has lived through    Juan & Nelson Entertainment is currently pro-
               continuing change,  and  has  known how  to     moting new faces in Urban Music, Urban be-
               adapt to the morphing market.  In response      ing the style currently monopolizing the mar-
               the  label has expanded  its team, and has      ket.  True to the label’s extensive catalogue
               signed new artists to 360 deals - as record     of classic tropical music,  J & N continues to
               label, publisher and manager for the world.     support projects in more roots-based Latin
                                                               American styles  as  well  as  Pop  and  Jazz.
               As an emerging company, Juan Hidalgo, its       Within their new offices they have built a re-
               President  confirms, “ We  started  with  an  in-  cording studio and television studio space
               vestment of  $13,000 dollars  and we give       to create content, record music videos and
               thanks to God for the success we have en-       present artist performances.  In addition they
               joyed.   We are the  only record label that     are working on a digital education program
               has remained independent, and I am proud        so that children in other countries may have
               of that fact.  We have changed the dynamic      the opportunity  to  learn about  music at a  though physical is barely on the map, digi-
               within the company little by little to adapt
                                                               low cost.
               to today’s market and digital exploitation;
               tal can be looked at as an added value to
               music that was non-existent in the past.  This
               is positive because it helps for the music to
               reach previously inaccessible places.  I be-
               lieve in all innovation that makes the world
               smaller,” stated Hidalgo.

             Nuestro Magazine • Nov/Dec/Jan 2018
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