Page 3 - My Journal - Learning To Lean On Jesus2.docx
P. 3


      My  wife,  Charlotte  Hammond,  kept  a  journal  of  those  things  that  were
      important to her, from the time we were called by God into the ministry to
      Native  Americans.  Charlotte  was  almost  always  excited  to  live  her
      everyday  life!  This  is  that  journal,  taken  from  109  hand  written  pages,
      pretty  much  in  her  own  words.  It  may  not  be  “grammatically  correct”
      because I wanted everyone to “hear her speak”.

      She wrote some things as they were happening; other things were written
      when  she  had  the  time  to  do  it,  and  so  it  was  “after  the  fact”.  Some
      entries were a quick thought and may be only one sentence.   I want you
      to hear her heart!

      This journal covers the years from 1963 to 2007, and consists of ministry
      almost exclusively among Native Americans on five different reservations.
      Charlotte  begins  by  sharing  some  of  her  childhood  thoughts  and
      endeavors.  I  have  included  a  little  information  about  each  of  the
      reservations at the end of the book so the reader is able to picture where
      these events took place. She shares our lifetime of victories, wonderful
      miracles as well as disappointments and tragedies. This is all about real

      My hope is that this book will encourage Christians to trust God for great
      and  wonderful  things,  as  well  as  trusting  Christ  through  times  of
      heartbreak. I also hope that those that may not have as yet trusted Christ
      as  your  Savior  to  see  that  He  is  not  only  a  “life-changer”,  but  a  great
      friend in time of trouble, and hopefully you too will turn your life over to
      Christ, and let Him be YOUR Savior.  Christ is the only One that has died
      for you, so you have a hope of making heaven your eternal home. (John
      John 16:33 has been a great help to us throughout our life. “I have told
      you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you
      will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”
      Please  enjoy  reading  Charlotte’s  journal,  LEARNING  TO  LEAN  ON
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