Page 5 - My Journal - Learning To Lean On Jesus2.docx
P. 5

sting on your bare legs. If you cried you didn’t pass the bravery test
      and you couldn’t be a part of my club.
      I took the name Saskatchewan for my new Indian name. I tried to
      read  every  book  I  could  find  in  the  public  library  about  all  the
      different tribes. I didn’t know it at the time but God was preparing
      me for a lifelong calling. As a young girl at the age of five I knew
      God  had  a  calling  on  my  life.  I  would  come  home  from  Sunday
      school and while my mother was fixing dinner I would line up all my
      dolls  on  the  bed,  take  my  Sunday  school  paper  and  teach  from
      them and the songs that we had sung and we would play church.
      Those dolls heard these Bible stories over and over again.

      When  I  was  about  10  years  old I  would  go to  the  neighbors  and
      gather their small children on Saturdays, I would pack a hobo lunch
      and take the kids on a hike. We would spread out a blanket after
      we  played  games  and  ate  our  lunch,  and  I  would  take  out  my
      Sunday  school  lessons  and  tell  the  stories  that  I  had  heard  and
      teach them the songs we had sung. I tried to get as many of these
      kids  into  Sunday  school  as  I  could  even  though  their  parents
      weren’t churchgoers. Here again God was preparing me for more.

      My  mother  and  I  were  going  to  Central  Assembly  of  God  in
      Muskegon  Michigan.  When  I  was  old  enough  I  joined  the
      Missionettes,  a  girls  program.  I  enjoyed  making  diapers  for  the
      missionaries  and  their  orphanages  (no  Pampers  then).  We  also
      made boxes of bandages for missionary hospitals.

      Our Missionettes leader wrote a skit for us to do on mission’s day
      for  the  church.  I  played  the  missionary  wife  and  we  got  Jimmy
      Bakker out of the youth group to play my husband. In the skit we
      were  missionaries  in  Alaska,  and  it  was  about  missionaries
      receiving care boxes from the churches.

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