Page 16 - HOTT Magazine Vol 3 Ed 3
P. 16
The Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee, Historic Environment Scotland and Fiona
Hyslop MSP, thank you all.
To the many, many others who have stood with us: HOTT would like each and every one of
you to know how much we appreciate your support, help and friendship over the last few
years. From the seed of an idea of how to organise a campaign to save the Heart has grown
the recognition of a culture.
We are so lucky to have you all as supporters, advisors and as friends. Your strength,
determination and optimism kept us going.
We’d also like to thank those who have donated to our funds – Article 12 in Scotland, Anne
& Jim Hamilton and the anonymous folks. Your generous gifts mean that we can fund
banners, leaflets and tour costs as we take A Sense of Identity on tour around Scotland.
We’ll be doing this in the autumn, in conjunction with Article 12 in Scotland. Hopefully, the
work of both organisations will reach a wider audience.
As for the Heart itself?
We’ve been successful in having the Heart scheduled. Our next step is to create a place of
beauty and reflection, with signage and safe parking that is a welcoming place for both
Travellers and locals.
We’ll keep you posted!