Page 2 - HOTT Magazine Vol 3 Ed 3
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Editorial                                         Contents

            Welcome to another edition of HOTT magazine.       Exhibition        A Sense of             p. 3
                                                               and Film           Identity

            We’ve had a wonderful time exhibiting A Sense of   Bob Knight –     Meet Me On              p. 6
                                                               Folksinger        The Moor
            Identity and showing the accompanying film at the

            Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.         Traditional        Basket                p. 7
                                                               Crafts –           Making

                                                               Lucinda            Website
            HOTT has come a long way since it was formed and   Donaldson

            Lughnasadh – the first harvest – seems like a very
                                                               Article 12 in       News                 p. 8
            good time to stop and take stock of what we have
            sown and reaped. This is why most of this edition
            focuses on the exhibition, the Tinkers’ Heart      Reflections       Thank You             p. 13
                                                               from the
            campaign and acknowledging those who have stood
            with us.
                                                               Dave Howard       Heart Visit           p. 16

            The fruit of the first harvest of this year is not only              Traveller

            the production of A Sense of Identity but also the                  Girls’ Poetry

            continuing love, friendship and support that have

            grown for and from the Heart since the beginning of

            our campaign to save it. The importance of the latter

            and our appreciation of our supporters cannot be
            stressed enough. It is indeed a harvest for the heart.

            Look how far we’ve all come on this journey!

            None of this would have been possible without you.

            Fiona McAllister

            Cover Photo:
             Heart of the Travellers, Ritchie Feenie,
            oil on canvas.

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