Page 3 - HOTT Magazine Vol 3 Ed 3
P. 3

A Sense of Identity: Exhibition and Film

               It took HOTT over a year to film, record and organise this exhibition; which highlights the

               lives of Scottish Travellers. Travellers who welcomed us into their homes and allowed us to

               record their stories.

                                        HOTT'S Chairman, David Pullar, opening the exhibition.
                                                  Photograph: Alister Sinclair

               It is thanks to those who shared their stories and to the dedicated people working in the

               background that the film and the exhibition were on display at the Scottish Storytelling

               Centre in June. Film Editor Mark Jamieson put together an hour of gems. Graphic designer
               Ritchie Feenie of Kinghorn Creative put together a brilliant arrangement of banners, artwork

               and so much more. To all who came to the opening night or visited the exhibition, thank

               you. We hope you enjoyed seeing it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

                If you missed it and would like another chance to see it, the exhibition will be on tour

               throughout Scotland in the autumn. Details of where and when will be on our Facebook
               page later.

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