Page 15 - KUH Refresh Proposal 8.14.17
P. 15

Staffing Proposal

            Phase 3 - Patient Tower (Future)

           1. Assumed Construction Duration: 28 months;  Aug 1, 2019 – Nov 30, 2021
           2. For purposes of this RFP provide your staffing levels and billing rates for the project that will correlate with the General Conditions
           estimate in your GMP summary sheet.  List  the billing rate for each position to be charged to the project. All billing rates must be
           inclusive of the following: Base Salary, Bonus, PTO, Automobile and company vehicle costs, FICA (Social Security and Medicare
           Tax), Pension, Profit Sharing & Defined Contribution Plan, Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Disability Insurance Plans, SUTA, FUTA
           Computer Equipment (Hardware & Software including project management software) Education (Internal and External),
           Parking/Transportation cost for employee parking and transportation to project sites, Mobile phone, & Workers Comp.  The rates stated
           must hold for the planned start date of Aug 1, 2019.  Please note an assumed yearly increase that may be applied for the duration of the
           construction phase.

           3. For the OCIP option please provide the deduct amounts for xxx

           4. Provide a corresponding organizational chart that shows all the individuals proposed for the project.

                                                                                                       OCIP Billing
                                             Duration                           Billing rate
                    Position       Hours/Wk                     Name                          Total    rate deduct
                                              (weeks)                            ($/HR)
           Officer In Charge          8        122           Keith Stanisce                   No charge
           Project Executive
           Sr Project Manager         8        122            John Duncan       $       201.47   $                 196,634.72   10.53
           Project Manager Arch       40       122            Greg Ondick       $       148.29   $                 723,655.20   7.49
           Project Manager MEP        40       122           Brooke Rodgers     $       142.97   $                 697,693.60   7.22
           Asst Project Manager Arch  24        87            Rob Goslin        $       145.60   $                 304,012.80   7.26
           Asst Project Manager MEP   40       122           Mark Madjeski      $         90.75   $                 442,860.00   4.58
           Administrative Assistant   40       122           Warren Foster      $         65.92   $                 321,689.60   3.13
           Project Accountant         12       122           Gina Gagliardi     $         94.83   $                 138,831.12   4.17
           Project Safety Manager     40       104           Reggie Shubert     $       144.53   $                 601,244.80   7.19
           Superintendent             80       122        Len Bergen / Brian Pluff   $       123.16   $              1,202,041.60   5.9
           Superintendent             40       122          Anthony Goodell     $       100.69   $                 491,367.20   5.4
           Assistant Superintendent   40       122           Victor Casilla     $         50.66   $                 247,220.80   2.64
           Clerk of the Works         40       122           Wanda Sufford      $         87.13   $                 425,194.40   3.39
           QA/QC Rep                  24        87            Rod Kellum        $       148.12   $                 309,274.56   0.48
           Scheduler                  8         87             Abhi Basu        $       124.67   $                   86,770.32   5.99
           Estimator                  4         60             Dick Lent        $       200.36   $                   48,086.40   10.73
                                                                                 Total    $              6,236,577.12

           Name:  Keith Stanisce

           Firm:  Barr & Barr, Inc.

           Date:  August 14, 2017
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