Page 9 - KUH Refresh Proposal 8.14.17
P. 9


                    $1,084,200.00  $7,800,534.16  $119,250,000.00  $5,805,000.00  $438,808.93  $1,229,834.64  $1,807,671.60  $1,583,350.45  $451,466.00  $1,152,166.02  $927,283.88

              Total     $0.00  $133,939,734.16  $138,999,399.78

              Ph.3: Building  28 Months  Dollar Value  $924,000.00  $6,236,577.12  $100,000,000.00  $5,000,000.00 $112,160,577.12  $367,561.43  $1,029,858.42  $1,514,167.79  $1,289,846.64  $116,362,011.39  $964,524.71  $772,499.94

                    0.92%  6.24%  0.00%  5%  1.35%  1.15%
                   %  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  0.3277%  $0.00  0.9182%  $0.00  $0.00  0.8289%

             Phase 3A PreConstruction Phase  $123,573.20  $123,573.20  $1,134.65  $124,707.85  $1,033.70  $2,987.39

      Kennedy Health System Kennedy University Hospital Washington Township Expansion  GMP RFP  Ph.2: Enabling  6 Months  Dollar Value  %  $28,000.00  0.86%  $261,177.28 8.04%  0.00%  $0.00  $3,250,000.00  $325,000.00  10%  $3,864,177.28  $12,663.30 0.3277%  $35,480.88 0.9182%  $52,166.39  1.35%  $52,166.39 1.35%  $4,016,654.24  $451,466.00  $33,294.05 0.8289%  $27,603.48

               Ph.1: Garage  13 Months  Dollar Value  $132,200.00  $1,264,645.76  $0.00  $16,000,000.00  $480,000.00 $17,876,845.76  $58,584.21  $164,145.20  $241,337.42  $241,337.42  $18,582,250.00  $154,028.27  $126,999.80

                    0.83%  7.90%  0.00%  3%  1.35%  1.35%                         Do not add or delete any lines in this spreadsheet except to elaborate on exclusions or clarifications.  Any proposals that are not provided complete and in this format will be disqualified.
                  %  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  0.3277%  $0.00  0.9182% $350.15  $0.00  $0.00  0.8289% $319.00

             Phase 1A PreConstruction Phase  $38,134.00  $38,134.00  $38,484.15  $180.67

                             Subtotal  Total GMP

               Description: Construction Duration Division 1 - General Requirements Division 1 - General Conditions - Professional Staff costs Division 1 - General Conditions - Other Divisions 2-26 (this is owner provided - DO NOT MODIFY) Contractors Reserve (express as percentage) Builders Risk Insurance  (express as percentage) Liability Insurance  (express as percentage) Subcontractor Default Insurance  (express as percentage) CM Fee  (express as percentage) Building Permits - By

                 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  27  28  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  Instructions:  Signature:
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14