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Keith W. Stanisce
                                                    President / CEO

      EDUCATION                                                                PRINCETON UNIVERSITY
      West Virginia University                                                 Anne St. Mauro/AVP for Facilities Design and
      BS Civil Engineering                                                     Construction
      American Society for Healthcare                                
      Engineering (ASHE)
      Construction Certifi cate                                                 NEW JERSEY REALTORS
                                                                               Jarrod Grasso/CEO
      34                                                                       609.314.7107
      34                                                                       NK ARCHITECTS
                                                                               Stephen Aluotto/President

     A graduate civil engineer with extensive experience in higher education and the healthcare industry.  Keith, in his 34 years of
     experience, has obtained the trust and confi dence of owners, architects and subcontractors.  Providing him the opportunity
     to work hand–in-hand with some of todays leading Institutions and signature architects. His leadership, integrity and
     knowledge has promoted him to the position of President and CEO of Barr & Barr.

     Princeton University, Offi  ce of Design & Construction, Princeton, NJ  Cornell NYC Tech, Roosevelt Island, NY
     Department of Economics                                The Bloomberg Center
     200,000 SF. Renovations to 20 Washington Road, built in 1929,  150,000 SF. Th  e Bloomberg Center is the fi rst of several buildings to
     will provide a home for the Department of Economics, several  be constructed of the new Cornell NYC Tech Campus on Roosevelt
     international offi  ces and the Princeton Institute for International and  Island.  Th  e Bloomberg Center provides graduate students, faculty and
     Regional Studies (PIIRS). Th  e structure’s interior will be renovated  administrators with a new facility for research and education.  Th e
     extensively and feature new classroom, offi  ce and meeting space,  building design refl ects Cornell’s goals of creativity and excellence,
     communal spaces and two atriums. Th  e historic character of the  providing fl exible academic spaces and pioneering new standards in
     exterior of the building will be preserved.            building performances and sustainability.
     Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton Neuroscience Institute and  Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
     the Department of Psychology                           Chemistry and Chemical Biology Building
     249,000 SF, LEED Silver. Th  e state-of-the-art two-building complex  145,000 SF. Th  is is a new four story  (above grade) Chemistry and
     houses the Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton Neuroscience  Chemical Biology with a basement and penthouse. Th  e new building
     Institute and the Department of Psychology. Th  e research facilities  will house classrooms, administration offi  ces, research laboratories
     will feature teaching classrooms, meeting rooms, faculty offi  ces,  and a 120 seat auditorium.  Th  e lobby doubles as a presentation and
     laboratories and instructional space. Th  e lower level will incorporate  gathering space and the  basement includes specialty imaging facilities.
     a lecture hall and MRIs.
                                                            Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ
     Peter B. Lewis Library                                 Math and Science Building
     87,000 SF. Th  e Peter B. Lewis Library, home to the multi-discipline  25,845 SF. Th  e new building is a (2) story steel frame and concrete
     science library collection, consists of curved shapes constructed of  construction with a partial basement which will include a two story
     steel, standing seam metal paneling, an atrium glazed curtain wall  lobby and state of the art classrooms for math and science labs.  Th e
     and masonry veneer. Th  e interior consists of similar elements creating  new classrooms will be roughly twice as large as before and provide
     public and private sections and a safe haven for the collections along  more fl exibility to allow for both individual and group work, with
     a public passage way to the southern part of the campus.  better lighting and better access to technology.

     Carl Icahn Laboratory
     100,000 SF. Th  e Carl Icahn Laboratory provides a venue for
     pioneering genetic research. Construction included four modular
     research laboratories designed in a “loft” confi guration to easily
     adapt with changes in research and technology over time, an animal
     facility, conference rooms, auditoriums and a central glass walled
     atrium that features a cafe, seating areas, a lecture theatre and a
     Frank Gehry sculpture/meeting room.
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