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Gregory Ondick, RA
                                                        Senior Project Manager

            EDUCATION                                                                BURLINGTON STORES
            Temple University                                                        Shirly Culman/VP of Facilities
            Bachelor of Architecture                                                 609.387.7800
            Registered Architect, New Jersey                                         NEW JERSEY REALTORS
            Registered Architect, State of Pennsylvania                              Jarrod Grasso/CEO
            YEARS OF EXPERIENCE                                            
                                                                                     MORRISTOWN-BEARD SCHOOL
            YEARS WITH BARR & BARR                                                   Bruce Adams/Business Manager
            8                                                                        973.539.3032

           Greg‘s proactive approach during preconstruction will assist the design team and owner in creating high standards of quality
           in a cost eff ective means.  Reviewing and advising on constructability, systems and materials, both as a construction manager
           and as a hands on architect.  His insight and industry knowledge will provide concise communication and direction to all
           team members to assist in achieving the project’s goals.

           Princeton University, Offi  ce of Design & Construction, Princeton, NJ  New Jersey Realtors, Trenton, NJ
           Peter B. Lewis Library                                 New Headquarters Building
           87,000 SF. Th  e Peter B. Lewis Library, home to the multi-discipline  22,000 SF. Th  is new three story Headquarters building will provide
           science library collection, consists of curved shapes constructed of  accommodations primarily for offi  ce functions,  along with support
           steel, standing seam metal paneling, an atrium glazed curtain wall  and conference space for departmental needs on the second and third
           and masonry veneer. Th  e interior consists of similar elements creating  fl oors.  Th  e interior offi  ce space will be constructed in a practical,
           public and private sections and a safe haven for the collections along  effi  cient and fl exible manner with full maximization of daylight direct
           a public passage way to the southern part of the campus.  and borrowed. Th  e ground fl oor will provide retail and offi  ce rental
                                                                  space.  Th  e exterior of the building will consist of a combination of
                                                                  brick, precast and glass curtain-wall with vision and spandrel glass.
           Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ
                                                                  A portion of the building’s roof will be a terrace designed for regular
           Math and Science Building                              access by staff  and visitors.
           25,845 SF. Th  e new building is a (2) story steel frame and concrete
           construction with a partial basement which will include a two story
           lobby and state of the art classrooms for math and science labs.  Th e   Burlington Coat Factory, Florence Township, NJ
           new classrooms will be roughly twice as large as before and provide  Corporate Headquarters Building
           more fl exibility to allow for both individual and group work, with  207,000 SF. Th  e new multistory Class “A” headquarters will feature an
           better lighting and better access to technology.       open offi  ce layout, a wide range of amenities, and a variety of spaces
                                                                  designed to bring Burlington’s diverse workforce together. Informal
                                                                  meeting spaces, a two-story atrium, conference and training rooms,
           Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ          a fi tness center, an outdoor meeting and lunch space, and café will
           New Library Addition and Renovation                    all provide opportunity to converse, meet, and connect.
           104,000 SF. Th  e library features seminar rooms, reading rooms,
           space for lectures and recitals, expanded exhibit space, a cafe, an
           information technology center supporting systems for the library’s
           digital collections and resources for Special Collections including
           facilities for preservation and repair of rare books and manuscripts.
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