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UMass Amherst
A special thanks to all the team
Th e existing chapel was constructed in 1884 as the campus’ fi rst library and
assembly hall. Th is iconic building has made many transitions through the years members who made this project
to support a variety of campus departments. Now after 131 years, revitalization successful!
of the building was a necessity.
Th e three story building is a masonry and wood-framed structure with rusticated Project Team:
masonry facades and a sloped slate roof. Structural and seismic upgrades were Patricia Healey
made along with careful restoration and preservation of key building elements.
Interior fi nishes were completely refurbished or replaced. A new Entry Pavilion Mark Fulton
and Exterior Plaza Addition was added along with all new MEP and FP systems. Micheal Alexik
Noah Menard
Th is building is located in the heart of the UMass Amherst campus adjacent to
the Dubois Library, Memorial Hall, Campus Pond and Fine Arts Center. Our Sam Rancitelli
project team developed extensive site logistics and planning processes to keep all Tom Upham
students, visitors, faculty and staff safe when walking around or near the project site. Donna Berthiaume
Gregg Southerland
Th e renovated and repurposed facility provides UMass Amherst with a space for
events and musical performances and an ability to house short-term exhibitions, Michelle Pavao
coordinate student activities, provide meeting spaces and pre-function areas for Jim Manoli
students, faculty and staff .