Page 6 - NewletterDraft1.indd
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Safety Corner                                                       Preconstruction Contracts:
                                                                                  Recently Awarded

                                                                             Baycare Pharmacy - Renovation
        EMR Rating is now .78                                              Brooklyn Hospital - ED Renovations
                                                                              Calvary Hospital - Alterations
        Our EMR (Experience Modifi cation Rating) has dropped eight   Cornell University - Executive Educational Center
                                                                    Jetro/RD - New Offi  ce Building & Parking Structure
        points from .86 to .78. Th  e industry average is 1.0 and we are well
                                                                           Mary Manning Walsh - Alterations
        below!  Th  is reduced EMR rating stands behind our motto “No
                                                                          MIT Bldg E17 Elevator Modernization
        one takes safety more serious”.  Safety is a real concern for our
                                                                      Nyack Hospital - ED Expansion & Renovations
        clients and our EMR rating is requested within every proposal.
                                                                           NYPQ - AHU Replacement Project
        An EMR rating says a lot about a fi rm and their safety record.    Paramount Th eatre - Th eater Renovations
                                                                     Roebling Center - Two Office Buildings & Parking Structure
        OSHA Partnership Signed                                           St. Joseph’s Medical Center - ED Renovations
        Amherst College New Science Center                                    Surgical Center of Central Florida
                                                                         Williams College - NW Building Science Center
                                                                       Williams College - Library Shelving Facility Addition
        On January 20, 2017 Barr & Barr entered into a Partnership
        Agreement with the Springfi eld OSHA Offi  ce to formalize a
        cooperative eff ort committed to safety and health excellence
        on the Amherst College New Science Center Project.  Th e   safety and health representatives will administer the plan. Its
        partnership emphasizes safety training programs and an ongoing   elements will include quarterly safety stand-downs; weekly meetings
                                                                with subcontractors to discuss project safety issues; reviews of
        commitment to identifying and eliminating hazards before
                                                                upcoming work; comprehensive analyses of job hazards, and an
        they harm workers.  Th  e primary goals of the agreement are to
                                                                annual evaluation of the partnership.
        reduce injuries and illnesses and their associated costs, increase
        productivity and effi  ciency, and, most importantly, help ensure
                                                                OSHA, an agency in the U.S. Department of Labor, will review
        that the men and women building the project return home each
                                                                and continually evaluate the plan and help ensure that eff ective
        day healthy and whole.                                  training is available and delivered. OSHA representatives also
                                                                will attend monthly safety and health meetings.
        SPRINGFIELD, Mass.—Barr & Barr Inc., a construction     “Our common goal is to ensure a safe and healthful working
        management company, and the Occupational Safety and Health   environment at the construction site and for this project. Partnerships
        Administration have signed a strategic partnership to enhance   bring together recognized best workplace practices and create
        workplace safety and health during the construction of Amherst   success,” said Mary Hoye, OSHA’s area director in Springfi eld.
        College’s New Science Center.                           “We are delighted to enter into this partnership with OSHA for
                                                                the Amherst College New Science Center. It is our belief that
                                                                this partnership agreement will enhance the entire team eff orts
                                                                to provide state-of-the-art safety programs, and will be a major
                                                                benefi t to the men and women building the project,” said Stephen
                                                                Killian, executive vice president and chief operating offi  cer of
                                                                Barr & Barr.

                                                                Th  e $195 million project involves the construction of a four-
                                                                story, 250,000 square-foot building that will house laboratories
                                                                classrooms and offi  ce space. Th  e partnership, signed in January
                                                                2017, is scheduled to last through the project’s conclusion, estimated
                                                                for August 2018.

                                                                Th  e partnership was signed in January by Hoye, Killian and
                                                                the following Barr & Barr offi  cials: William Aquadro, project
                                                                executive; Matthew Jacobs, project manager; James Manoli, CSP,
                                                                safety director; and Richard Budnar, superintendent.

                                                                Jason Garand, business manager of New England Regional
        Under the partnership, Barr & Barr will develop a safety and health   Council of Carpenters Local 108, and Tom Andrews, business
        plan that will serve as a benchmark for project subcontractors,   manager/secretary-treasurer of Laborers Union International of
        setting out requirements and goals to meet or exceed. Qualifi ed   North America Local 596, signed in support of the partnership.
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