Page 9 - NewletterDraft1.indd
P. 9


                                               Wing Memorial Hospital
                                               ED Addition

                                              Th  is is a new 34,000 SF Emergency Department addition.  Th  is project will take place
                                              within an active and occupied hospital.  Th  e enabling work is complete and the Ground
                                              Breaking Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th.

         Baystate Health

         Children’s Hospital Procedures Suite & Infusion Unit

        Th  is is a 12,000 SF fi t-out of shell space for a new pediatric Procedures Suite and
        Infusion Unit.   Th  e unit includes PACU bays, procedure rooms and infusion areas.
        Baystate Children’s Hospital (BCH), a 110-bed and 57-bassinette hospital located
        within Baystate Medical Center, is the only accredited full-service children’s hospital
        in western Massachusetts and provides primary and advanced medical care to babies,
        children, and adolescents and their families.

                                                 Nyack Hospital
                                                 ED Expansion

                                                Th  is two story addition will add 16,300 SF of space to the existing hospital.  Th e
                                                project will expand the emergency department on the ground fl oor and create a
                                                medical village on the fi rst fl oor.  Th  e larger emergency room will have a separate
                                                urgent care facility, larger trauma bays, an imaging suite, and rapid assessment area.

                                                Th  e 7,800 SF medical village, will off er outpatient services, will include primary and
                                                specialty care providers as well as community-based support services and non-emer-
                                                gency transportation assistance.
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