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Community Involvement
Pratt University 2016 AGC NYS
On November 9, 2016, Tom LePage Rob Goslin, BIM Director of Barr & Barr and Cory Brugger of
donated a couple of hours to Pratt Morphosis (Cornell Architect) presented at the 2016 AGC NYS
University’s Career Fair event. Construction Industry Conference. Th e topic was LEAN, BIM
He spoke to several students that and CPM – How the Pieces Fit.
evening and gave them the best
advice on how to be proactive in
getting their careers started within the Construction Industry
well before they graduate. Tom’s time and information was
well received from both the students and faculty at Pratt
Th e Pulse Healthcare Conference
On November 10, 2016, Keith
Stanisce (President/CEO), Tom
At Barr & Barr we truly believe in furthering your
LePage (Director of Operations – education and we encourage our employees to
Mid Atlantic) John Decina pursue additional educational opportunities.
(Chairman, Executive Principal), and
Sheri Cote (Director of Marketing) Congratulations Waseem!
attended the 7th Annual Pulse Healthcare Conference at
the CUNY Graduate Center. Th is conference explored “I am the MEP superintendent at the Cornell
current trends and issues in Healthcare construction and Bloomberg project for Barr & Barr and thanks to the
design, and opportunities to get work for contractors, supportive team and crew I am able to balance my
work and school life and through this managed to
subcontractors, design and engineering fi rms. Barr & Barr
accomplish this honor society induction. Higher edu-
was a sponsor for this event. Our Executive team is always
cation tied with experience is a key to anyone’s growth
seeking opportunities to network and get more exposure for
both professionally and personally.”
Barr & Barr within our respective markets.
Waseem Dean
New England Region Holiday Giving MEP Superintendent
Our New England Region really came together to provide
a wonderful Christmas for four young children through
Voices Against Violence. We have been working with
this organization for over 10 years. Our region was able to
provide each child with a winter coat, boots, hat, gloves and
scarfs. As well as plenty of clothing, toys and blankets. A
big thank you goes out to the following individuals who took
part in giving these four children a very special Christmas:
Steve Killian Donald Barr Sheri Cote Matt Jacobs Jeff rey Lloyd
William Aquadro Kathryn Foley Patty Healey Mike Aresenault
Michelle Pavao Patrick Fogarty Neil Genaway Pam Galeota
Kathleen Holland Chris Dantz Scott Drumm Leo Couture