Page 8 - NewletterDraft1.indd
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Barr & Barr currently has a signifi cant amount of work going on throughout the three regions; New England,
Mid Atlantic and Southeast. Below is a snapshot of some of these projects.
Rutgers University
Chemistry & Chemical Biology Building
Th is new four story, 145,000 SF, (above grade) Chemistry and Chemical Biology building, with a basement and penthouse will house
classrooms, administration offi ces, research laboratories and a 120 seat auditorium. Th e lobby doubles as a presentation and gathering
space, and the basement includes specialty imaging facilities.
Th e envelope consists of a concrete wide module joist system and includes architecturally exposed concrete at laboratories, stairways
and other interior locations. Th e mechanical penthouse has steel framing members.
Th e exterior envelope materials include curtain wall, terracotta rain screen, composite metal panel, precast and dimension stone cladding.
Morristown-Beard School
New Math & Science Building
Th is new 25,845 SF Math and Science building for Morristown-Beard School will serve
grades 6-12. Th is new facility will include state of the art technology.
Barr & Barr is overseeing the construction and interior fi t-out of this project which is
located on a very tight site on the corner of the campus.
Th e new building is a two story steel frame and concrete construction with a partial
basement which will include a two story lobby and state of the art classrooms for math
and science labs. Th e new classrooms will be roughly twice as large as before and provide
more fl exibility to allow for both individual and group work, with better lighting and
better access to technology.
Th e school will be fully operational during the construction of the project.