Page 43 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
P. 43

Robert Goslin
                                                        BIM Director

        Temple University
        BS Architecture
        Revit, NavisWorks, BIM 360

        Guest presenter at 2011 Ivy Plus Technology
        Guest presenter at 2012 Ivy Plus Conference

       Rob has spear headed the BIM division at Barr & Barr, the foundation on which our procedures are built ranging from
       3D Logistics Modeling, Coordination, FM As-Built deliverables and 360 Spherical Photography. He spearheads the BIM
       Department for Barr & Barr keeping his team on the forefront of the latest practices and technology. His efforts have created
       our approach in reducing construction durations and saving owners money.


       Cornell NYC Tech, The Bloomberg Center,                Princeton University, Offi  ce of Design & Construction,
                                                              20 Washington Road Princeton, NJ
       Roosevelt Island, NY                                   200,000 SF. Renovations to 20 Washington Road, built in 1929,
       150,000 SF. Th  e Bloomberg Center is the fi rst of several buildings to   will provide a home for the Department of Economics, several
       be constructed of the new Cornell NYC Tech Campus on Roosevelt   international offi  ces and the Princeton Institute for International and
       Island.  Th  e Bloomberg Center provides graduate students, faculty   Regional Studies (PIIRS). Th  e structure’s interior will be renovated
       and administrators with a new facility for research and education.  Th e   extensively and feature new classroom, offi  ce and meeting space,
       building design refl ects Cornell’s goals of creativity and excellence,   communal spaces and two atriums. Th  e historic character of the
       providing fl exible academic spaces and pioneering new standards
                                                              exterior of the building will be preserved.
       in building performances and sustainability.
                                                              Dollar Value: $118 Million
       Dollar Value: $130 Million                             Start Date: January 2014
       Start Date: December 2014                              Completion Date: December 2016
       Completion Date: May 2017
                                                              Princeton University, Icahn Laboratory,
       Princeton University, Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton   Princeton, NJ
       Neuroscience Institute, Princeton, NJ                  100,000 SF. Th  e Carl Icahn Laboratory provides a venue for pioneering
       249,000 SF, LEED Silver. Th  e state-of-the-art two-building complex   genetic research. Construction included four modular research
       houses the Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton Neuroscience   laboratories designed in a “loft” confi guration to easily adapt with
       Institute and the Department of Psychology. Th  e research facilities   changes in research and technology over time, an animal facility,
       will feature teaching classrooms, meeting rooms, faculty offi  ces,
       laboratories and instructional space. Th  e lower level will incorporate   conference rooms, auditoriums and a central glass walled atrium that
       a lecture hall and MRIs.                               features a cafe, seating areas, a lecture theatre and a Frank Gehry
                                                              sculpture/meeting room.
       Dollar Value: $199 Million                             Dollar Value: $48 Million
       Start Date: June 2010                                  Start Date: March 2001
       Completion Date: August 2014
                                                              Completion Date: October 2002
       Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital,
                                                              Rutgers University, Chemistry & Chemical Biology Building,
       New Brunswick, NJ
       308,000 SF. Th  e project includes a nine-story garage capable of   New Brunswick,NJ
       holding 650+ cars and a new service vault with new substation and   145,000 SF. Th  is new four story  (above grade) Chemistry and
       generators. On top of the garage will be two stories of offi  ce space   Chemical Biology, with a basement and penthouse, will house
       and a data center. Th  e structure and building systems are designed   classrooms, administration offi  ces, research laboratories and a 120
       for additional vertical expansion in the future.       seat auditorium.  Th  e lobby doubles as a presentation and gathering
                                                              space and the  basement includes specialty imaging facilities.
       Dollar Value: $70 Million
       Start Date: January 2014                               Dollar Value: $103 Million
       Completion Date: July 2015                             Start Date: June 2014
                                                              Completion Date: September 2017
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