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The Amazing adventures of NAMTAB
The Western Australia trip was a big event for our family. A lot of forced growth and bonding occurred as the seven of us
were confined in a Volkswagen for over ten days. Each of us would have a dozen stories however one consistent aspect is
interwoven throughout them all. The amazing NAMTAB!
NAMTAB is of the alter ego of our youngest sibling –Duncan. Wherever we were on the trip, NAMTAB would be appear
and be a blur amongst the activities.
One interesting fact about NAMTAB was his obsession with collecting rocks. At every pit stop NAMTAB would invariably
find a number of interesting samples to add to his growing collection. We all indulged this obsession sometimes pointing
out curious rocks and minerals at the different locations throughout Australia. However as the collection grew Dad started
to get a bit less enthusiastic as the rocks were getting bigger and the collection started taking more space in the already
overcrowded camper. In addition the weight of the collection was starting to affect the fuel economy. NAMTAB however
was oblivious to the subtle suggestions and continued to grow his extensive collection. The final straw came in Brocken hill
and the homeward leg of the trip, when NAMTAB discovered a particularly massive piece of Quartz. Not only was it too big
for the bus there was no way any of us could lift it – even if we wanted to.