Page 9 - Publication2
P. 9
Uncle Tom’s Medical kit
Once again at Toukley and another fishing story. Although this one takes a bit of a tangent.
Holidays at Toukley were all about fishing, swimming, prawning and more fishing. There were two boats, great grand
dad’s old wooden rig with inboard motor (of sorts) and Grand Pa’s Sea gull, a bit more modern with an outboard. Unfor-
tunately we were not allowed to take the boats out without an adult so we were often forced to fish from the rocks out
the front or get driven to other fishing spots – such as Toukley Bridge.
The original Toukley Bridge was an old wooden construction that rattled and groaned whenever a car went over it. In the
days of my childhood we were allowed to fish from the bridge. I can still picture the massive blooms of jelly fish that
would pass under the bridge at different times. Jellyfish the size of footballs down to tiny pelagic creatures no bigger than
a twenty cent piece. During one of these blooms I had felt some bites on my line then nothing. Thinking I had lost my bait
I started to wind my line in. The rod started to bend alarming as I struggled to lift what was on the end of the line. I was
certain that I had hooked one of the larger jellyfish swarming below. I was very concerned that I would break my rod but
not wanting to let a jellyfish beat me I continued to reel it in. I finally got it up to the bridge only to find the largest flat-
head I had ever caught. (OK its another fisherman story – I’ve got a few).
Anyway after pestering mum and dad to go fishing they finally succumbed and took us to the bridge. We parked at the co
-op and before the engine had died Steve and I were out of the car and racing to the bridge. Mum was yelling something
about sunscreen and footwear which we both failed to hear. Steve being the elder was of course quicker and had raced
ahead. As he hit the start of the bridge he suddenly stopped dead in tracks allowing me to pass him and claim the prime
fishing spot. My victory was short lived as Mum and dad were gathered around Steve who seemed unable to walk unas-
sisted. I was summoned back where I discovered the cause of my victory. Steven had got a splinter!
OK, I’ll be a little bit more gracious. There was half of Toukley Bridge sticking out of his foot. We got him back home
where Uncle Tom proceeded to get his Medical Kit to fix Steve up. Uncle Tom never said much but he was always there
to lend a hand or fix anything. So without much ado he opened his first aid kit whereupon I nearly passed out. I’m pretty
sure Steve did. Inside the kit was a scene from the dark ages. Wicked looking implements with sharp points were every-
where. I did not recognise any modern medical equipment in the ancient bag.
From what I had heard about Uncle Tom – as I said he was fairly quiet – was that he was very clever and made most of his
tools. Looking at the macabre “first aid kit” I was convinced that this must have been the case. It seemed to be full of
sharpened bits of metal shaped to gouge and probe open wounds.
It must have had some lasting effect upon me as I now have medical rolls that contain a wondrous assortment of instru-
ments. OK they are not so much medical as entomological but I can still perform minor surgery if the need arises (and of
course someone would let me.