Page 6 - Principal Playbook 2018-19 2.0
P. 6
SHELTER-IN-PLACE SCENARIOS Police Activity/Investigation in
Following are some helpful template statements for the more common emergency and non-emergency issues school administrators face, along with links to others. Should you need assistance communicating to parents, the media or other community stakeholders, please contact District Communications at ext. 776.
Vicinity Statement
[NAME OF SCHOOL] is in a brief shel- ter-in-place due to a police-related situa- tion in the vicinity. Students are safe and normal school operations continue. How- ever, at this time, out of an abundance of caution, no visitors will be permitted into the building and no one will be leaving the building until we have received the “all clear” from law enforcement. We will update you when the situation changes. Thank you for your understanding.
Bomb Threat
This afternoon we received a report of a suspicious individual who allegedly was attempting to gain access into the build- ing. Together with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and district security, we followed up on the report and investigat- ed the situation. During the investigation it was determined that the report was not valid. We did not want to release stu- dents without clearance from Sheriff’s Department personnel. Student safety
is a critical priority. We appreciate your understanding of the delayed release of your children.