Page 14 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 14

resToring Your hisToric

        TheaTre – where To sTarT?

        By: Tom Tomlinson, Capital and Theatre District
        Project Manager, Arts Council of Winston-Salem and
        Forsyth County; Principal, tg2, Inc. & Highroad, Inc.

        At the beginning, I always say – but where             PLAN SOME MORE, AND THEN PLAN AGAIN.
        is that? It goes without saying that every             Involve as many members of your community
        theatre is different, every community is               – artists, arts organizations, potential users,
        different and the barriers one has to cross            business people, public officials and potential
        to reach success are different in each                 donors as possible. All of these people will
        situation. However, I have had the good                be important to your project one day, and
        fortune of restoring or building new about             the last thing you want is to be accused of
        ten theatre spaces                                                              planning your renewed
        across the United                                                               facility without such
        States, from Alaska                                                             input. Often planning
        to Miami, Detroit to                                                            is not inexpensive; it’s
        Southern California,                                                            always time consuming
        as well as served                                                               and cumbersome, and
        as a consultant for                                                             sometimes it’s politically
        countless others, and                                                           difficult, but it is certainly
        I seem to encounter                                                             less expensive than
        comparable                                                                      spending millions of
        situations city to city,                                                        dollars on a facility
        and the facts seem                                                              that turns out to be
        to remain related                                                               something other than
        despite the obvious differences in each                what the community wanted or needed, or is
        community and with each facility.                      improperly located, ill-sized or ill-equipped.

        Remember the saying, “To a hammer,                     I have a personal prejudice – if you can
        everything looks like a nail.” While I have            afford to hire the individual who will take
        enormous respect for architects -- and                 you through opening, and has the planning,
        many of them have firms of sufficient size             theatre building and initial management
        to provide services from site selection to             credentials – that is the individual you should
        program planning, design and construction              hire first. He or she will take you through the
        administration -- remember that their goal is          appropriate planning and organizational
        to build something. Your job, as the theatre           processes that will deliver a building that
        owner must be to tell them what to build.              is functional and meets the needs of the
        And the road to making those decisions                 community. If you can’t start with a full-time
        comes before any other.                                employee, there are a lot of different paths
                                                               you can venture down, but at the end of
        While your project will certainly need the             the day the resulting cost may not be less
        services of an architect, and likely a theatre         than starting with an experienced full-time
        and acoustical consultant, among many                  Executive Director.
        other design specialists, my first, second and
        third rule in restoring an arts facility is to PLAN,  In the beginning you must decide if this is
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