Page 39 - Oaths 2019
P. 39

 Farhan Hiya
First and foremost, I, __________, express my appreciation and humbleness at being selected, from amongst the masses and from those much better than I, to undertake the honorable journey of caring for the most noble of Earth’s creatures. This bestowed title, and the respect of society that it brings along with it, weighs heavily on me and thus, in exchange, I offer the following declaration of my promises:
I will always decide and act in favor of the sick and ill; to always aim for their improvement, in mind, heart, and spirit.
I will not raise a finger or word against the well-being of my patients, even if the patient wishes, for no sane person will wish their own harm.
I will step down from any and all tasks that are beyond me and refer my patients to those better suited, for to harm the sick is amongst the worst of crimes.
I will comfort those that put their trust in me as I would my closest friend; no matter who they are in front of the people, whether rich or poor, good or bad, they are mine as long as they are in my charge.
I will keep all that which is shared, of the lives of my patients and their beloved ones, as treasures that no mortal ear or eye shall ever get the chance to perceive. However, I will share lessons learned so that humanity need not be struck twice by the same mistakes.
I will advocate for all life, whether under my direct care or otherwise, and will lead, when needed, for change in the world, even if at personal cost.
I will never stand too tall, with my head above the people, for I am no more a mortal than any other.
I will accept the advice and guidance of those that are better skilled and wish to correct my ways, as a pursuit of knowledge is inherent in this path.
I will teach and train all those that seek this noble profession for the benefit of the currently living and the generations to come. If, however, their intentions prove sinister, they will find no help with me.
I will never transgress the trust of this profession as a result of the petty promises of money, fame, or transient pleasure, all of which only tarnish the truly upright.
O Almighty Creator! Out of your mercy, you have chosen me watch over the life and death of your creatures. Therefore, help me in the acts to serve and benefit your Creation, for without your guiding hand, not even the easiest task can succeed. Inspire me with an ever-increasing compassion for my fellow humans and protect me from their faults so that I can serve them wholeheartedly on every passing day. Teach me the words that will move my patients to act in accordance to my best counsel, and protect them from those that wish them harm. I ask for forgiveness, from our Creator and the people, in advance, as I am only human and bound to err. Therefore, I ask the support of both so that I may continue to advance in the profession and serve in a manner befitting this esteemed path. References:
AICE. Jewish Prayers: Daily Prayers of a Physician. Jewish Virtual Library. Accessed [11/4/18]
Philippine Medical Association. Hippocratic Oath. Philippine Medical Association. Accessed [11/4/18]
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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