Page 56 - Oaths 2019
P. 56

 Jacob Neir
As a prospective member of the medical community and profession, I swear to hold myself accountable to the declarations below. These declarations are made of my own free will and volition:
I will put the needs of those dependent on me above all else;
I will respect my patients and uphold their wishes to the greatest extent possible;
I will keep secret, to the best of my ability, anything told to me in confidentiality;
I will maintain an unwavering appreciation for life and cause no intentional harm to any living being;
I will not let differences such as race, ethnicity, social status, sex, gender, sexuality, age, disability, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or any other trait come between me and the quality of care I provide to my charges;
I will be humble and appreciate the lives and secrets that are entrusted to me;
I will ask for help and admit to my own ignorance to ensure the safety of my patients;
I will pass down my knowledge to those coming after me in order to maintain the progression of medicine;
I will promote the expansion of medicine and make efforts to ensure every individual receives the healthcare they need;
I will maintain my own personal health and sanity so that I may provide the highest quality care possible; I will not use my knowledge in deceitful ways or for personal gain;
I will uphold the medical profession and its standing in society by promoting patient autonomy, patient welfare, and social duty.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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