Page 65 - Oaths 2019
P. 65

 Harsha Raju
I will forever uphold all the values that make me the better individual, member of society, and human being. I will never forget my beginnings and where I came from before I make my career. I will never give up the approach to understand before acting. I will never use my wealth, power, or privilege to suppress vulnerable populations. I will be good to my family and never let them feel neglected or alone. I will always give my spouse the love, respect, and support she deserves until the day I die. I will always stay true to my word and uphold loyalty.
I will always understand duty as a physician to advocate for those that cannot do so for themselves. I will always advocate and fight for those that are misunderstood and feel outcast from others. I will never be a part of in-group out-group mentality and always be a friend to anyone and everyone. I will keep an open mind and approach all situations with empathy, attempting to understand another individual rather than dismissing an opposing view. I will always be a thinker and expose my mind to diversity of thought and culture to be able to enhance my ability to be human. I will always lead my decisions with attention to justice, tempered by kindness and understanding.
I will always try to see the best in others and maintain my faith in humanity. I will always appreciate the beauty of being human and remain encouraged by the acts of altruism I’ve seen while learning from horrible things I have seen. I will pay attention to by faults, my shortcomings, and my errors in life to ensure that I can learn from them. I will always seek to leave the people whose lives I have touched better than before I met them. I will honor my duty to others and remain true to the oaths I have taken in my life. I will fight the burnout that follows the demands and responsibilities of a physician. I will always be aware that I am human and capable of experiencing burnout.
I will live my life with truth, honor, and honesty. I will always hold precious the lives of others and seek to educate, understand, and build bond with those I encounter. I will never harm another individual for any reason. I will always see the work I have in serving others as a privilege and will act as a servant to those in greatest need. I will honor the position of the sick, and attempt to make them understand my appreciation of their ability to be vulnerable and honest with me. I will honor the trust of my patients and maintain the sacred foundation of the physician-patient relationship. I will attend to the needs of the vulnerable before satisfying my own ends. I will treat medicine as an art and career grounded in appreciating the complexity of the human condition. I will always seek to grow mentally, physically, and personally and take every moment in my life as a learning moment to be a better person tomorrow. I will do this, not only for my personal betterment, but also for those that depend on me to be the best version of myself. I will forever uphold my oath beyond the call of duty.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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