Page 68 - Oaths 2019
P. 68

 Aleida Salvat
I do solemnly swear to fulfill this oath:
I will dedicate all my knowledge to improving not only patients’ physical health but their overall well- being.
I will promote health and prevent occurrence of disease, for prevention is preferable to curing.
I will treat all my patients with empathy and compassion.
Under no circumstances will I discriminate or provide different care based on age, ethnicity, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, political affiliation, disease, or disability.
I will keep private all information provided by my patients, respecting their autonomy and dignity.
I will not be ashamed to say “I do not know” or ask for help when I need it.
I will always be ready to provide medical care for those in need.
I will put my patients’ health and well-being first.
I will treat my colleagues with respect.
I will practice medicine in accordance with good medical practice.
I will take care of myself and my own well-being in order to provide the best care for my patients.
Lasagna, L. (1964). Hippocratic Oath‐Modern Version. Sheridan Libraries‐Johns Hopkins University. Available at Retrieved 5 July 2017. Parsa-Parsi RW. The Revised Declaration of Geneva A Modern-Day Physician’s
Pledge. JAMA.2017;318(20):1971–1972. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.16230
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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