Page 69 - Oaths 2019
P. 69

 Sara Sherman
To the best of my ability and judgement, I promise to fulfill this covenant:
I vow to keep the secrets that are told to me in confidence
I will spend my life learning as much as I can and strive to continually improve my practice for the benefit of my patients.
I will remember that empathy and compassion should always be at the forefront of my mind and are the key foundations of my relationship with my patients
I will prevent disease when possible but will do everything I can to save the sick
I will remain humble and remember that I am not God
I will ask for help when I need it and not be afraid to use my voice to advocate for my patients
I will support my colleagues and always keep in mind that medicine is a team sport, for the successes of this profession are never won alone
And above all, I will respect and honor the trust that society and God have put in me to treat every human being with respect and dignity, that I may never turn my back on my patients, and never use my medical knowledge to harm another human being but rather to preserve life at all costs
I make this promise before God and on my honor
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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