Page 73 - Oaths 2019
P. 73

 Abigail Tercek
It is my promise to try my very best to uphold all statements outlined in this oath throughout the course of my life:
I will respect every person I come across, regardless of the different backgrounds, views, or values we may hold.
I will make sure to take care of myself – including my happiness and health (mental, physical and emotional) –before tending to others.
I will maintain honesty and transparency in all relationships in my life, including friends, family, colleagues and patients. I will continuously practice good communication and resist the need to cover up the truth from anyone in my life.
I will remain open-minded and receptive to new opportunities, perspectives, and people introduced into my life. Furthermore, I will make a conscious effort to try whatever is tossed my way, before preemptively shutting anything out.
I will work as hard as I can in my profession, making sure I put forth all of my efforts and knowledge towards every task I come across. It is my responsibility to carry through with my commitments, particularly to the care of other people.
I will uphold my goal of making a difference in society, in every aspect of my life. I strive to be unique, share my passions with those around me, and work together with others to advance society for the better. I will do everything in my power to make a significant contribution to the medical field and improvement of the quality of health care in our world.
I will take advantage of every opportunity I have to travel the world, experience other cultures, and learn something new from every place I visit and person I meet.
I will continue to develop a strong sense of self-awareness, recognizing my own capabilities and limitations, and understanding my place in society.
I will persevere when times get tough and I feel like giving up, remembering how hard I worked to get where I am and how much more I have yet to accomplish.
Lastly, I will always be myself and not let anything get in the way of my passions or goals in life.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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