Page 78 - Oaths 2019
P. 78

 Kelly Williamson
In this oath, I pledge myself to serve.
I call to You to support me in this great task so that it may benefit mankind, for without Your help not even the least thing will succeed.
Help me to show mercy to the sufferer, to see only the human being whether rich or poor, good or bad, enemy or friend.
Help me comfort those who mourn.
Help me to not allow thirst for profit, ambition for renown, or admiration interfere with my profession, but rather help me to hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Help me to be pure in heart and grounded in nonmaleficence.
Help me to be at peace and to spread that peace.
Help me to always be thankful that You have chosen me to watch over the life and death of my neighbors. My oath is a combination of my favorite aspects of verses from Matthew 5: 3-10, quotes from Daily Prayer of a Physician by: Maimonides, and the Declaration of Geneva of the World Medical Association.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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