Page 29 - 26 di augustus
P. 29
Monday 26 august 2019
Brazilian troops begin deploying to fight Amazon fires
By MARCELO SILVA de amounts of greenhouse
SOUSA gasses and is crucial for
Associated Press efforts to contain climate
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — change.
Backed by military aircraft, The Amazon fires have be-
Brazilian troops on Satur- come a global issue, es-
day were deploying in the calating tensions between
Amazon to fight fires that Brazil and European coun-
have swept the region and tries who believe Bolsonaro
prompted anti-govern- has neglected commit-
ment protests as well as an ments to protect biodiver-
international outcry. sity. Protesters gathered
President Jair Bolsonaro outside Brazilian diplomatic
also tried to temper global missions in European and
concern, saying that pre- Latin American cities Fri-
viously deforested areas day, and demonstrators
had burned and that in- also marched in Brazil.
tact rainforest was spared. "The planet's lungs are on
Even so, the fires were likely fire. Let's save them!" read
to be urgently discussed at a sign at a protest outside
a summit of the Group of Deforestation advances into the jungle near Jaci Parana, state of Rondonia, Brazil, Saturday, Aug. Brazil's embassy in Mexico
Seven leaders in France this 24, 2019. City.
weekend. Associated Press The dispute spilled into the
Some 44,000 troops will economic arena when
be available for "unprec- gallons) of water on fires, driving along a highway Fri- been no further contact on French leader Emmanuel
edented" operations to put he said. day as fires blazed and em- the matter. Macron threatened to
out the fires, and forces An Associated Press jour- bers smoldered in adjacent Despite international con- block a European Union
are heading to six Brazilian nalist flying over the Porto fields. cern, Bolsonaro told report- trade deal with Brazil and
states that asked for fed- Velho region Saturday The Brazilian military op- ers on Saturday that the sit- several other South Ameri-
eral help, Defense Minister morning reported hazy erations came after wide- uation was returning to nor- can countries.
Fernando Azevedo said. conditions and low visibility. spread criticism of Bolson- mal. He said he was "speak- "First we need to help Brazil
The states are Roraima, On Friday, the reporter saw aro's handling of the crisis. ing to everyone" about the and other countries put out
Rondonia, Tocantins, Para, many already deforested On Friday, the president problem, including Trump, these fires," Macron said
Acre and Mato Grosso. areas that were burned, authorized the armed forc- Spanish Prime Minister Pe- Saturday.
The military's first mission apparently by people es to put out fires, saying he dro Sánchez and several The goal is to "preserve
will be carried out by 700 clearing farmland, as well is committed to protecting Latin American leaders. this forest that we all need
troops around Porto Velho, as a large column of smoke the Amazon region. Bolsonaro had described because it is a treasure of
capital of Rondonia, Aze- billowing from one fire. Azevedo, the defense min- rainforest protections as our biodiversity and our cli-
vedo said. The military will The municipality of Nova ister, noted U.S. President an obstacle to Brazil's eco- mate thanks to the oxygen
use two C-130 Hercules Santa Helena in Brazil's Donald Trump's offer in a nomic development, spar- that it emits and thanks to
aircraft capable of dump- Mato Grosso state was also tweet to help Brazil fight the ring with critics who say the carbon it absorbs," he
ing up to 12,000 liters (3,170 hard-hit. Trucks were seen fires, and said there had the Amazon absorbs vast said.q
Crowds fill Argentine streets to back conservative president
By LEONARDO LA VALLE mary voting. lated, got 47.6% of the to-
NATACHA PISARKENO An emotional Macri tal votes cast, while Macri's
Associated Press emerged on a balcony of slate was 15 points back.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina the Casa Rosada to ac- Many Argentines are upset
(AP) — Tens of thousands of knowledge his supporters, with Macri, who won the
Argentines jammed streets who responded to calls on last election after cam-
in the capital and other cit- social media to get out in paigning on promises to get
ies Saturday to show sup- the streets. the economy going again,
port for conservative Presi- "How are we not going but inflation still runs at
dent Mauricio Macri, who is to get ahead, with you? more than 40% a year and
facing a tough fight head- Please, we can. Of course, the currency has slumped
ing into general elections in we can. We're going to be while austerity moves by his
October in a country beset better," the president said, government have angered
with economic struggles. with tears in his eyes. many people.
Chanting "We can be bet- The outpouring by his back- But others worry a victory Supporters of President Mauricio Macri react as him and his Ju-
ter" and "Let's go togeth- ers underlined the division by the Fernández team liana Awada wave from the balcony of the government house,
er," a crowd that greatly and polarization in Argen- will bring back the populist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019.
exceeded expectations tina, where many voters policies that characterized Associated Press
swelled outside the presi- used the Aug. 11 primary the presidency of Cristina
dential palace in Buenos elections to show support Fernández, in which Alber- dropped 35% in three days. Rizo, said she doesn't want
Aires just two weeks after for Alberto Fernández and to Fernández served as her "Macri I give you 4 more to see Cristina Fernández
a left-leaning presidential his vice presidential running first chief of staff. After the years, Cristina we have giv- back in power. Macri's gov-
ticket turned in a far stron- mate, former President Cris- primary elections, Argen- en you enough," one ban- ernment "isn't perfect but I
ger showing than Macri's tina Fernández. The two tine stock prices fell and ner proclaimed Saturday. prefer that over Cristina,"
slate in political party pri- Fernández, who are not re- the already weak peso One protester, Cristina she said.q