Page 32 - 26 di augustus
P. 32
Monday 26 august 2019
Historical Museum Aruba celebrates 35
years of love and cultural achievement
ORANJESTAD — Located seum celebrates its 35th harbor rapidly and shortly
at a strategic site of Oran- birthday, a day to honor. after the name of the town
jestad the Museo Historico was changed into Oran-
Arubano (MHA) or Histori- In 1792 a commissioner jestad to honor the Dutch
cal Museum Aruba is one from Curacao, the neigh- Royal family but also to em-
of the most beloved muse- boring island, decided to phasize the expectations
ums on the island. The fact build a fort in Oranjestad to for the town. From the mo-
that the building is part of protect the island in a time ment the Fort Zoutman was
an important passage in that revolutionary ideas constructed more people
history makes the museum caused some turbulence in came to live in Oranjes-
already interesting and a the region. Playa Caballos tad to find a better future.
symbol to the islands de- (Paardenbaai or Horses In history the building Fort
velopment. Now this mu- Bay) turned into an active Zoutman functioned as de-
fense, light house, govern- will show an overview of the
mental office, police sta- different themes that were
tion and for all as a symbol presented by the museum
of the town’s growth while in the past. The exposition
at the same time being of will be opened by the end
sentimental value to the of this year. With this said
people in the sense of iden- the museum hopes to stim-
tity and cultural inherence. ulate the people to gain
knowledge, show interest
35 years ago the historical in research and preserva-
museum opened its doors tion of our culture. Also res-
with the goal to present tauration plans and exten-
different aspects of our sion of the museum are on
history in the best possible the program for the future.
way. The museum is the first To the historical museum,
within the construction of located within Fort Zout-
the Fundacion Museo Aru- man, it is an honor and re-
banao (FMA) meaning the sponsibility to maintain the
Foundation of Aruban Mu- building that plays such an
seums. In this light the muse- important role in Aruba’s
um takes part in the role of history but also to dedicate
being an example for pres- to the preservation, protec-
ervation and development tion and promotion of our
of the museums of Aruba. cultural heritage as a foun-
At this moment an exposi- dation. q
tion is being prepared that