Page 30 - 26 di augustus
P. 30
Monday 26 august 2019
Divi & Tamarijn All Inclusive make a Generous Donation
ORANJESTAD — Divi & Tamarijn All Inclusive Re- to hook things up.
sorts were paired with Pius X elementary school
on the Kids Council platform, an initiative by Divi’s Managing Director, Alex Nieuwmeyer,
Dutch Princess Laurentien in which local 6 grad- pressed the remote, cool air started flowing in,
ers got to brainstorm, resolving adult challeng- like magic.
es, in hospitality.
The school belongs to SKOA, Stichting Katholiek
The initiative, now in its fourth year, resulted in Onderwijs, the foundation running 15 kinder-
collaboration beyond the council, and Divi & gartens, 25 elementary schools, 5 secondary
Tamarijn All Inclusive Resorts deserve recogni- schools and 1 school for students with special
tion for the ongoing good work they do in our needs. Eighteen of the foundation’s learning in-
community. stitutions are still on the list for air-conditioning
On a recent Tuesday morning, the kids of ele-
mentary school Pius X in Dakota were waiting SKOA’s director Anuesca Baly was on hand to
outside in the schoolyard, on the freshly laid express gratitude to Divi on the fantastic dona-
asphalt, in a neatly arranged circle waiting for tion, in time for the new school year.
the headmistress to lead them in the morning
prayer, followed by an exciting breakthrough. The kids stood outside in a circle, impeccably
groomed in their little yellow polo shirts and
The new, just-donated air-conditioners were freshly combed morning-hair, the headmistress
going to be turned on that day. led the morning prayer, students crossed them-
selves judiciously, then sang the school’s an-
Divi & Tamarijn All-Inclusive facilitated the instal- them, filled with gratitude and praise.
lation of 12 air-conditioners in classrooms which
previously offered education under uninsulated Any day, which starts with a prayer and a song
corrugated roof panels. is a good day, said the headmistress.
It was a long process, beginning in March, It was a touching moment, as the headmis-
when an electrician went through the school tress led two hundred little voices in a charming
wiring, redoing the installation. The work had to chant: Thank you Divi for the Airco.q
be inspected by ELMAR, then Crown came in