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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 1 augusT 2019

            More Than Just Entertainment

            Continued from Page 14              and  change,  but  these  concepts
                                                are  rooted  in  the  foundations  we
            But notice, these skills are also im-  have laid from when we were little.
            portant  when  children  grow  up  If we want to become an innova-
            to  be  teenagers  and  soon  after,  tive  island,  we  should  encourage
            young  adults  that  should  be  pro-  innovative behavior in our children.
            ductive  citizens  in  society.  Mu-  If we want positive socio-econom-
            sic  teaches  children  expression  ic  development,  we  should  real-
            through stability, which is a gift all  ize that many traits of these highly
            children should experience at least  creative children are traits needed
            once in their lives.                to  become  a  successful  entre-
                                                preneur.  If  we  want  sustainability,
            Without  change,  there  is  no  inno-  we  should  consider  not  “throwing
            vation,  creativity,  or  incentive  for  away”  perfect  capable  and  tal-
            improvement.  Those  who  initiate  ented children into the sea of con-
            change will have a better oppor-    vergence. In the past we discussed
            tunity to manage the change that  impressive  musical  programs  such  dren  to  make  mistakes  and  learn  go  hand  in  hand.  The  vision  for
            is inevitable - William Pollard     as  the  “Leer  Orkest”  in  the  Neth-  from them by allowing them to ini-  enhancing  the  creative  develop-
                                                erlands,  which  provides  a  haven  tiate that improvement.            ment in children goes beyond just
            Now,  as  a  society  we  keep  hear-  for all children respectable of their  Change will be inevitable as time  entertainment,  it  determines  the
            ing concepts such as sustainability,  background and resources. So, we  goes  by,  but  one  thing  we  know  holistic  development  of  the  next
            innovation,  creativity,  knowledge  should  create  the  space  for  chil-  for  sure:  creativity  and  innovation  generation. q

                                           Biography – Currently, Thaïs Franken is a 23-year-old Aruban student at the University of Maastricht (UM). She
                                           is studying a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development in collaboration with the Unites
                                           Nations University (UNU). Back home, on the beautiful island of Aruba she completed her Bachelor of Arts in
                                           Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA). She successfully gradu-
                                           ated and defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban Sustainable
                                           Development” on July 6th 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability, innovation, cul-
                                           ture and creativity. Next to her academic interests, she enjoys reading, writing, dancing and cooking.
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