Page 119 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 119


                   Interviews with competent Company executives, on a   within the agreed upon assurance scope, our work was limited
               sample basis, concerning sustainable development policies   to checking the reliability of the transfer of these data from the
               for the handling of material issues and their implementation   Company’s audited and published ‘2017 Financial Statements’
               within the enterprise.                            to the sections of the Report relevant to the scope of our work.
                                                                 To obtain a thorough understanding of the Company’s financial
                  Interviews with competent Company executives responsible   results  and  financial  position,  the  2017  audited  financial
               for providing the information included in the Report, during   statements should be consulted. The scope of our work did
               which we also reviewed, on a sample basis, systems and/or   not include the review/testing of the operating effectiveness
               processes for information management, internal structures for   of the information systems used to collect and aggregate data
               the control and processing of the qualitative and quantitative   included in the Report that concern the foregoing agreed upon
               information contained in the Report, at the Company level.   assurance scope.
               In this context, we tested, on a sample basis, the reliability
               of the data concerning the references noted in the ‘General   The scope/extent of evidence-gathering procedures performed
               Disclosures’ and the ‘Topic Specific Disclosures’ of the ‘GRI   in a limited assurance engagement is less than that for a
               Table’ of the Report that fall within the foregoing agreed upon   reasonable assurance  engagement,  and  therefore  a  lower
               assurance scope.                                  level of assurance is provided.

                  Visits to the Company’s headquarters in Athens, where we   Based on the procedures performed during our review, as
               reviewed, on a sample basis, the procedures for developing   described above, nothing has come to our attention that causes
               and managing the content of the Report, as well as the current   us to believe that the ‘General Disclosures’ and the ‘Topic
               corporate governance  structure  with  respect  to  sustainable   Specific Disclosures’ marked with the symbol ‘√’ in the ‘GRI
               development issues.                               Table’ of the Report for the period between 1 January 2017
                                                                 and 31 December 2017 are not accurately stated in all material
                   Comparing the information presented in the Report within   respects.
               the foregoing agreed upon assurance scope to corresponding
               information included in existing sources, on a sample basis, to   This content assurance report was drafted solely for the
               determine whether the relevant information has been included   Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement.
               in the Report.                                    Our work has been undertaken so that we might present to
                                                                 the Company the matters referred to in the content assurance
                   Reviewing  the  information  presented  in  the  Report  within   report, and for no other purpose. We do not accept or assume
               foregoing agreed upon assurance scope in order to determine,   responsibility to anyone other than Goldair Aviation Handling
               on a sample basis, whether it is in line with our overall   S.A. for our work, for this content assurance report, or for the
               knowledge of and experience obtained with regard to the   conclusions we have reached.
               Company’s sustainable development performance.    KPMG Consultants S.A.

               Where financial information (text and/or data) within the remit   George Raounas, Partner
               of the certified public accountant-auditor’s scope was utilised   Athens, 10 August 2018

               1  International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000: Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial
               Information, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

               2   International Standard on Quality Control (ISQC 1): Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements and
               Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.

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