Page 115 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 115

               GRI Standard         Disclosure                Page number or reference       Omission   External
               GRI 101: Foundation 2016
               GRI 102: General Disclosures 2017 (“core” option)

                           302-1 Εnergy                7.5. Environmental Performance § Energy (p. 92)
                           consumption within          It is noted that biofuels, ethanol and hydrogen
                           the organization            are not purchased by Goldair Handling. It should
               GRI 302:                                also be mentioned that the Company does not
               Energy                                  produce or sell energy. The mix of electricity
                                                       generation from the provider, the Public Power   -  -
                                                       Corporation (PPC), for 2017 included 19.89%
                                                       renewable energy sources. In particular, the
                                                       fuel mix for the entire country during 2017,
                                                       as published by PPC, was as follows: Lignite:
                                                       30.85%, Natural Gas: 31.01%, Hydroelectricity:
                                                       6.51%, RES: 19.89%, Interconnections: 11.74%.
                           103-1 Explanation of the Material   7. Environmental responsibility (p. 86)
                           Topic and its Boundary

                           103-2 The Management        3.1. Sustainable Development Policy and Axes
               GRI 103:    Approach and its components  (p. 38), 7.1. Environmental policy and
               Management                              environmental incident management       -          -
               Approach                                process (p. 88)
                           103-3 Evaluation of the     3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                           Management Approach         Communication with the stakeholders
                                                       (p. 43), 7.4. Environmental training and
                                                       investment (p. 90)

               GRI 305:    305-1 Direct (Scope 1)      7.5. Environmental performance          -          -
               Emissions   GHG emissions               § Emissions (p. 93)

                           305-2 Energy Indirect       7.5. Environmental performance          -          -
                           (Scope 2) GHG emissions     § Emissions (p. 93)

               Diversity and equal opportunities

                           103-1 Explanation of the    3.1. Sustainable Development Policy
                           Material Topic and its Boundary  and Axes (p. 38), 6. Our people (p. 72)
               GRI 103:
               Management   103-2 The Management       3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42)
               Approach                                                                        -          -
                           Approach and its components  § Communication with stakeholders (p. 43),
                                                       6. Our people (p. 72)

                           103-3 Evaluation of the     6.6. Equal Opportunities and Diversity (p. 85),
                           Management Approach         Internal Workplace Regulations
               GRI 405:    405-1 Diversity             6.6. Equal Opportunities and Diversity (p. 85)
               Diversity   of governance bodies
               and equal   and employees                                                       -          -

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