Page 116 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 116


             GRI Standard        Disclosure                Page number or reference         Omission   External
              Dialogue with stakeholders

                          103-1 Explanation       3.1. Sustainable Development
                          of the Material Topic   Policy and Axes (p. 38)
              GRI 103:    and its Boundary                                                    -          -
              Management   103-2 The Management   3.1. Sustainable Development Policy and Axes (p. 38)
              Approach    Approach and its components
                          103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                          Management Approach     Communication with stakeholders (p. 43)

                          Goldair Handling Indicator:   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                          Dialogue with stakeholders  Communication with stakeholders (p. 43)  -         -

              Training and education
                          103-1 Explanation       6. Our people (p. 72)
              GRI 103:    of the Material Topic
              Management   and its Boundary
              Approach    103-2 The management    3.1. Sustainable Development Policy and Axes
              2017        approach and its components  (p. 38), 6. Our people (p. 72)         -

                          103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                          Management Approach     Communication with stakeholders (p. 43),
                                                  6.2. Education (p. 78),
                                                  6.3. Evaluation and recognition (p. 81)
              GRI 404:    404-3 Percentage        6.3. Evaluation and recognition (p. 81)
              Training and   of employees
              education   receiving regular                                                   -
                          performance and career
                          development reviews

              Labour-Management relations

                          103-1 Explanation       6. Our people (p. 72)
                          of the Material Topic
              GRI 103:    and its Boundary
              Management   103-2 The Management   6.5. Open and two-way communication (p. 83),
              Approach    Approach and its        Employee Complaints Policy (p. 84)          -          -

                          103-3 Evaluation of the   3.4. Goldair Handling's stakeholders (p. 42) §
                          Management Approach     Communication with the stakeholders (p. 43),
                                                  6.5. Open and two-way communication (p. 83)

                          402-1 Minimum           3.6. Targeting (p. 51) The minimum period
              GRI 402:    notice period regarding   of notice given to employees and their
              Labour-     operational changes     representatives regarding significant operational
              Management                          changes that could affect them substantially
              relations                           will be incorporated into the Code of Conduct   -      -
                                                  for Employees.

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